Saturday, May 18, 2024


The right hand had some of it's best times..

People held it and said, 

‘Excuse me!’

When wrong was done to the person..

They kept it on their head and said, 

‘Bless me!’

When the person came forward to do that..

They took it and  said, 

‘Thank you!’ 

When the person gave away gifts..

They clapped it firm and said,

"All the best!"

When the person started leaving.. 

Further in doing various Sacred activities around, it was just preferred without a say!

The right hand soon openly started boasting itself..

“I have my own value here and there's no single doubt in this. Many people are right handed with an exception of only a handful. Means, I am the most preferred one by the side of a person and that left hand is nowhere comparable to me!"

The left hand was continuously bearing all that brunt..

Suddenly, it was the moment of extreme pain for the human..

The person in picture was helpless beyond. None could help beyond as every one remained limited even though they were ready with all their might.. 

Only God should help..

The human firmed up.. 

'Let me offer my deepest Prayer to the Almighty to take care of me amidst this crisis!'

With that decision, as the person kneeled forward, offering Prayer to the Almighty, exactly at that moment the left hand gently silently whole heartedly joined the right hand making the person complete the Prayer requirement and remain at peace!

The tough moment having passed, soon it was the moment of joy for the human.. 

The person in picture moved forward ready to take greetings and wishes from all friends and well wishers surrounded and as usual the right hand was proudly responding..

In one of those moments, the emotions ran beyond and the right hand was clueless how to respond to the situation..

Right at that point of time, the left hand came forward with all warmth and covered the other side of that person's right hand, wished and further extended itself over the back taking the person into warm embrace!

Keywords: RIGHT, LEFT


  1. Wow, this post really touched me. It beautifully illustrates the often overlooked significance of our left hand, which may not always be in the spotlight but plays an essential role in our daily lives.

    1. Thank you Fiona for the compliment.. You said it very much right.. How left hand supports human is ever seen lighter.. Wishes!
