Wednesday, June 12, 2024


The disciple asked, 

“Reverend Sir! What is 

‘Right Action’

Of an individual at a moment? How can one identify that in one’s life?”

The Master replied, 

“Dear! It is not possible to define exactly the 

‘Right Action’ 

For any one at any point of time as devoid of total self alone, the Action in front is the

'Right Action’.. 

Since selfishness is part of our lives, the 

‘Right Action’ 

For an individual at any point of time lies between his/her requirement in the world and the interference the fulfillment of that requirement causes to the world around or in distance that requirement ever remaining within legal boundaries of his/her living place..

If the individual controls self and reduces his/her requirement at any point of time, the

'Right Action' 

Rises from Ethical point of view but soon tapers off as control of self beyond means the person is highly interested to uplift self which turns out to be the mundane desire alone with him/her..

Only when the requirement of an individual comes down naturally by God's Grace without any extra effort from his/her side, the

‘Right Action’

Is redefined for the person and further continues at that level..

All our efforts in the direction of Philosophical Path should see this balance state clearly, start living at that level by continuously doing the related 

‘Right Actions’

And remain at immediate Peace! 

Thus exist our 

‘Right Actions’

By our side in this life!”


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