Friday, July 12, 2024


“Sir, what is ‘Total Care’ in one's life?”

“Dear, whatever be situations with me in my life, I have to care for myself with a genuine smile on my face as much possible..

That care essentially has three components..

Number 1 is..
  • I have my own requirements, both physical and psychological..
  • I should make a note of these and reasonably be equipped to meet them as my life moves on..
  • The requirements in general are what our elders specify out of their experience..
Number 2 is..

I've distractions around me which will pull me into many ditches as life moves on..
  • I've to be careful here,
  • Have to keep away from them as much as possible and
  • If over taken, soon should come out of their clutches soothing my wounds..
Number 3 is..

I've a deep thrust within me to excel in a particular style in life which may be totally acceptable around if done.

I should never say ‘No’ to this entity and allow it to express by itself.. All
  • Taboos,
  • Dogmas,
  • Beliefs,
  • Customs,
  • Austerities and
  • Sectarian behaviors
Come in the way of this expression..

All the while, I should balance myself here and encourage the freedom of expression in me if required in a diplomatic way..

All the above together is the ‘Total Care’ in one's life but ever attached with a condition that..

As one rises in life by Divine Grace, this Total Care sure undergoes a change and for him/her it looks strange that that Personality is breaking the discipline.. 

Here, I should make a note that the above discipline is for people of mundane interests alone 


When an individual goes up the ladder of his/her own Personality Refinement by God's Grace,

The discipline applicable in his/her case sure changes

I staying at a lower level should never question that at any point of time!

Keywords: CARE, TOTAL

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