The person started performing Elaborate Worships. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
The person started fasting on all Auspicious Days. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
The person started singing Devotional Songs. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
The person started reading Epics and Sacred Books. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
The person started attending Religious Discourses. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
The person started following Religious Practices. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
The person started visiting Sacred Places. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
Not knowing what to do further, the person straight looked at the problem. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
Encouraged, the person started digging into the problem. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
Further encouraged, the person started going deep into the problem. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..
Encouraged beyond, the person touched the root of the problem..
No doubt, the balance problem continued to exist but that could no more bother the person as beyond, that alone remained the right way to resolve the issue!
There was a Message from above..
- I am sure with you in all Worships you offer to Me but