Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Human Being had a perennial problem in front. 

The person started praying to God. A small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

The person started performing Elaborate Worships. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

The person started fasting on all Auspicious Days. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

The person started singing Devotional Songs. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

The person started reading Epics and Sacred Books. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

The person started attending Religious Discourses. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

The person started following Religious Practices. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

The person started visiting Sacred Places. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

Not knowing what to do further, the person straight looked at the problem. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

Encouraged, the person started digging into the problem. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

Further encouraged, the person started going deep into the problem. Another small percentage of the problem appeared resolved..

Encouraged beyond, the person touched the root of the problem..

No doubt, the balance problem continued to exist but that could no more bother the person as beyond, that alone remained the right way to resolve the issue! 

There was a Message from above..
  • I am sure with you in all Worships you offer to Me but
All your actions bear true fruit only when you start addressing the problem in front straight!"


Tuesday, March 25, 2025


"Sir! Our Philosophy of life says that every moment of life is dynamic and one should live thru' that dynamism and experience Bliss. But the unsurety of the moment takes out that dynamism in a person. With a such a life in front of me, how to remain happy and be at peace?"

"Dear! What you said is very much correct but that is the life given to the living beings on earth. Seeing this phenomenon in depth, the Great Personalities ever advised one to lead a life thru'

Karma or

Or a mixture of two or more with
  • Gyana Yoga defining the Power of Discrimination
  • Bhakti Yoga defining the Power of Prayer
  • Karma Yoga defining the Power of Right Action and
  • Hatha Yoga defining the Power of Physical, Breathing and Meditation Techniques
Making this life meaningful and supportive..

Here you are free to choose what you wish, start following that Path/Paths with all sincerity and thus instantly remain at peace and happiness..

Beyond, the Great Men and Women have equally demonstrated thru' their lives, how one can Rise in life too by practically living thru'

Certain Sacrifice

Making one understand that 

The Ultimate Cause of Suffering in Life 

Is due to human being 

Holding on to the desires within, endlessly!"


Monday, March 24, 2025


The Boss was heard counseling firmly..
  • "The Customer is just asking you to meet the requirement because we alone are capable of doing that with the right ease and care..
Have you got the point?"
  • "The problem is.. You are calculating how much money we receive when the Customer was explaining the works you got to complete. What do you do if he decides to pack the bags and say bye to us?
'Say sorry' first and stop him from going away from us!"
  • The Customer's holidays alone are yours and you should have no visiting hours for him. In case, he demands 25 hrs of your time in a day and you should without a say be able to generate that..
If not done, subsequently all those days and hrs sure will be totally yours alone forever. Understood?"
  • "One satisfied Customer is surely advertising on Our behalf for 10 future customers..
Isn't it your foremost duty to do whatever he asks without a second thought?"
  • "Our Customer is not complaining at all. Just expressing the fact that you've not met his requirement. Nothing less; nothing more!
Instead of saying ‘sorry’ and further keeping mum, take pains and make it known to him that you have not limited the 'outcome' by yourself!"
  • "Anytime, saying ‘Who's this?' on phone to a Customer is often detrimental and saying 'Yes Sir/Madam!' is ever welcome..
Have you forgotten that minimum civic sense learnt in your childhood, dear?"
  • "There's no friendship in a Customer relation..
Have you kept off all personal talks away from him beyond minimum?"
  • "You should never compare the life style of your Customer with you..
Are you aware of this?"
  • "The Customer Care at root level includes caring for his/her well being and prosperity.. 'Care for the other!'
Is the greatest message taught to you all these years. Why are you missing doing that sacred service to your Customer?"

Ok.. I told you what attitude you need to have with you when you deal with our customer..
  • Care for the Customer as a human being,
  • Wish for every betterment there,
  • Step down a level of yourself in serving your Customer and
  • Do the best in the situation..
Remember, Customer is our God!

Go and be on your job.. Ok.. You can go now!"

The same Boss was heard saying sheepishly on phone sometime later..

"What? Oh, God! This customer always creates such problems for me. Ok.. Don't put me in the loop. Tell him I am on an urgent work and I briefed you everything. If he starts saying nasty things, tell him a nice story and engage him for the time. It's an art.. It's required, dear.. Do this and you relax.. The required is done!"

Keyword: LESSON

Saturday, March 22, 2025


  • 'Let the change in me be natural,
  • Let the change in me be with all ease,
  • Let the change in me be directly or indirectly approved by others,
  • Let the change in me be out of my happiness,
  • Let the change in me be a model of reference to others,
  • Let the change in me be what I can afford,
  • Let the change in me be an inspiration around,
  • Let the change in me be a source of additional happiness to the person next and
  • Let the change in me be in tune with Cosmos Plans around!'
At the back of that nine point program alone, my Blog

'Reflecting on life!'

Speaks on the Blogging platforms wherein I registered as a Blogger and 

My theme for this year's 26 posts of #BlogchatterA2Z is going to be the same!

Keywords: THEME, REVEAL, #BlogchatterA2Z

Thursday, March 20, 2025


The young man who newly joined the Company in short time, understood that 

'The Customer is the most important person in work environment!'

In 3 yrs time, he was made the Group In-Charge and the impositions of the Client soon made him firm up in his mind..

'The Customer in work environment is vested with an unknown authority!'

In the next 4 yrs, he took over as Manager and had to face some tense moments in his new Role with the Customer which made him re-define his earlier Concept of Customer,

'The Customer in work environment at times, is like a Royal Personality!'

More years passed.. The then man of 40s changed his Company and took up the Senior Executive Role in the new Company operating in a much fierce competitive environment..

He had some sleepless nights over the never ending Customer's questioning and the Boss commenting on his new Role which made him to talk around..

'The Customer in work environment needs to be treated sometimes more than a Royal personality!'

In 8 years of time, he was promoted to the Post of GM and
 in next 3 years, CEO of the Company..

As GM and CEO, he had the toughest time of walking on the razor's edge in satisfying the Company's Clients. But his vast experience in the field had truly helped him there to tide over every crisis and that successful man in his Mission ultimately used to muse within..

'It is said 

Annam Brahmeti and Anando Brahma
(Taittiriya Upanishad)

(Food is God and God is Bliss)
And all these active years of my life, my Customer indirectly supported that my Annam (Food) and Anandam (Happiness) by accepting my work non stop!'

Keyword: WORK

Monday, March 17, 2025


"This life is full of 'Delta1' and 'Delta2' only!"

"Continuously? Can there be a concession here?"

"No concession.. It's 24 hr discipline.. Only concession is when I forget or am off to sleep!"

"Oh! Such an endless discipline? Ok.. What are the quantum of 'Delta1' and 'Delta2?'"

"'Delta1' is as much the minimum required and 'Delta2' as much maximum feasible at the moment!"

"Funny! Can you specify what these 'Delta1' and 'Delta2' are?"

"'Delta1' is what the mind wants to do and 'Delta2' is what the Consciousness within recommends to do!"

"Why the minimum and maximum here?"

"Because, human mind always recommends accumulating for self and human consciousness forever recommends sacrificing self!"

"What's wrong if I listen to the mind?"

"There is no wrong.. 

It all depends on my mindset.. In general,

Accumulating leads to unrest and sacrificing creates peace..

But I can't straight away get into seeing life that way and shouldn't too..

If I like to accumulate, let me do it honestly as per law of the land simultaneously doing charity as per my wish..

As I start living such life, that living alone awakens me to the concept that sacrificing is peace but when that happens, none knows. Till that time, sacrificing remains truly


And I should continue my experimentation non stop!"

Keywords: life, peace

Sunday, March 16, 2025


"This man behaves peculiar.. The other day, I asked him.... and you know what he replied? He said.... What an arrogant answer? No one says that way.. 

Not at all a normal person!"

"In another incident.. I was planning.... and was making all arrangements. Instead of appreciating the effort I was putting in, he says, 'Why are you....?' As if what he says, I have to listen.. That's the limit.. I gave back.. He deserves that..

Really, not a normal person!"

"You know last week, what had happened? I was too busy in completing...., He rings up.. Okay in the middle of such hectic activity too, I answered what he wanted. He straight takes all that to a side and says, 'I never expected that....'"

Sure, not a normal person!"

"One more incident I forgot to tell you..  A fortnight ago, I was going to.... He met me on the way and you know, what he said.. It's too funny.. I could not control my laughter.. After hearing to this, what do you say?"

Is he a normal person?"

Okay.. One more thing.. Last week, there was a problem in that particular.... I was going to.... He called me.. I was in a hurry.. I said, "Dear!  Today....!"  But he never listened to what I was saying.... Straight away picked up.... I was not knowing what to do.. I somehow.... God, what problems, he creates..

100% not a normal person!"