Saturday, February 22, 2025


An elderly member of a big joint family was a man of Principles at the back of truthful and honest living. He often used to advise his younger brothers in the joint family to be in that path and lead a pious life.. 

The brothers had their own respects for the elder, many times used to follow the rules and do duty bound actions even though they could not come out of their own ways much beyond a level..

It so happened that suddenly their mother passed away and the elder with his brothers had to do certain Rituals and last Rites for her. Accordingly, he strictly instructed as well as insisted that the younger ones stick to all procedures in performing those Rites..

No doubt, the brothers listened to him and extended their full co-operation. But once in a way, everyone will have their own way of expressing for a while.. 

Here too it happened and in the elaborate Ritual Program, the brothers were briefly off from the stringent procedures for a while and were absorbed in their own interesting world..

The time was moving and the Rituals had to go on as per schedule without fail. The elder expected that all his brothers to join soon but seeing them in their own world, left them to themselves and started doing further activities on his own..

Seeing this, a close friend of the elderly brother commented.. 

"You should have called them back. All these days, all of you were so sincerely adhering to this Program so well and now why are you deviating? Ask them to involve immediately and tell them that the success of this is a credit for them only!”

The elder brother smiled and said, 

“Yes, dear! You are correct and the Program that way concludes in a grand way with every detail followed meticulously to the core by all concerned.. 

But for this gain, why should I intervene in these people’s freedom of expression through which they are involving in their own world around and thus forcibly bring them back?

No doubt, if I insist on that, they would run for me and instantly do these activities and further not only this but many such works too! They all love me that much. But I can never take their obliging attitude for gain and make this Program a success and thus feel my pride all over.. 

Instead, let this go on without them but me fully involved and let them join on their own later. That way the time schedule is still met and their way too is equally respected!”


Friday, February 21, 2025


On a day,
Pleasantness and
Of human being had a meeting with
The Awareness..

Goodness said,

"This Ugliness troubles me a lot on and off. Whenever, I think it is rooted out, without my knowledge it surfaces next moment. I request you help me out here!"

"Every one knows what problems ugliness creates. Goodness is just repeating that!"

Said pleasantness..

"Can you keep off for a while, please?"

Awareness said looking at pleasantness..

"Why are you questioning pleasantness? In fact, as ugliness shows its colors, it is the pleasantness that make me recover fast and remain active..

When I am not in mood, it is the pleasantness that helps me recover. The whole problem is with ugliness. When I am active and forget myself as I involve deep, this ugliness takes reins and brings my downfall..

Pleasantness has nothing do here. In fact it is my friend!"

Shot back goodness..

"You are not knowing the game played by this pleasantness.When it joins you, you are mesmerized by the sweetness it creates around you making you forget to be in attention to fight out ugliness over taking you!"

Said Awareness..

"What are you saying?"

"Yes.. dear! No doubt, the ugliness is the enemy next you but you can never fight with it directly as it has built itself thru' the support of pleasantness..

To disarm this ugliness next to you, start disarming first pleasantness!"


"It's not that simple. The moment you keep off from pleasantness, it will not keep quiet. It drives you mad and makes you yield to it. So..

Don't jump into war directly with pleasantness. The right way here for you is

Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..
Allow it.. Withdraw from it..

On.. On.. On..

Do this task continuously and see that pleasantness next to you never can make out what you are up to. Keeping that in such tamed condition, start showing your energies on ugliness it soon will be tamed and made nothing in front of you!"

"Are you sure, it happens?"

"Yes.. As human being does such activity with max attention..

The Almighty (For Believers) / Nature (For Non Believers) never lets down the
True Devotee in front
Doing the
And gives


Thursday, February 20, 2025


  • "Excellent work!"
One said aloud..
  • "Never seen such a skill!"
Another said with a thud..
  • "Laurels to the personality who did this job!"
Said the 3rd person emphatically..
  • "This person who did this job must be pioneer in the field!"
Affirmed the 4th one..
  • "I never came across one who could do such a marvelous job!"
Asserted the 5th individual..
  • "Hats off to the super skills exhibited!"
Shouted out the 6th one..
  • "What a capability depicted!"
Screamed the 7th person..
  • "None could beat this person in this expertise!"
Thundered the 8th one..
  • "Spent 3 hrs and did a classic work!"
Applauded the 9th individual..
  • "I bet, there is no 2nd one who can do such a job!"
Praised and praised the 10th person..
  • "You are right.. I can see that super skill with my own eyes here!"
Said the 11th one..
  • "This person sure deserves an award.. I'll try to get it!"
Saying concluded the 12th one..

The 13th person was seen silently sitting in a corner..

"Dozen people with dozen applauses, the hall got reverberated.. You haven't said anything on the work done and skill shown.. Why?"

Asked a passerby..

"The 12 commented are the ones with power. I am not powerful to make my comment!"

Said the 13th one meekly..

"When dozen people praised the work, you could have just given your appreciation!"

"I just can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"I am the humble Expert in the field of that work!"

Replied the 13th one with a feeble smile!


Wednesday, February 19, 2025


A man decided to ever remember
‘To do only good’
Never allow the ugly take over him..

In no time, he found he forgot the message when ugly took over him..
  • He decided to memorize it daily morning and remember it better..
Again he found he forgot the message when ugly took over him..
  • He shifted that memorizing to morning, afternoon and evening..
Once again he found he forgot the message when ugly took over him..
    • Without back tracking, he started doing that on hourly basis..
    No go, again he found he forgot the message when ugly took over him..
      • Subsequently, he started doing that on half hourly basis..
      No chance, he found he forgot the message when ugly took over him..
        • At the end, he thought of remembering that precept every qtr hr..
        Nothing great happened and he again found he forgot the message between such short intervals too when ugly took over him..
          Totally disgusted with his fall, on one of the days, he visited a Great man in an Ashram, bowed to Him, narrated what was happening in him and asked thus,

          “Master! If such a stringent discipline in me too fails like this, what's the use of reading Scriptures and Books on Spirituality and keep them as our reference?"

          The Master smiled and said,

          “My dear! The inner personality which propels one to act in life is not a small force. It will overtake in no time whatever discipline we impose on it..

          But no despair, we have to tame this entity and use the energy behind the same in another way for our own elevation and betterment..

          The only way in front of an individual here is to be disciplined in respect of not only memory but

          Of talk and of deed too.. Meaning.. I as much try to
          • Remember good,
          • Talk good,
          • Do good and
          Make that a habit in my life
          Feel that ‘That alone is my life!’

          Simultaneously, all the while remember and try to distinguish between
          ‘Good’ and
          In memorizing, talking and doing!’

          Seen thus, I advise
          Refrain as much from the
          Which invariably is a hurdle 
          As many times
          Remains on paper and
          'Pleasant' overtakes in no time..

          If you are able to do this much, you sure have done what is required..

          Rest will follow as the Grace of God is always to help such personalities..

          And what you have missed, or missing all along your life and very much feasible for you, is right in front of you;

          NO DESPAIR!”


          Tuesday, February 18, 2025


          It is named index finger only to be used in Sacred Tasks like

          When one is guiding the other for reaching his/her destination


          When one is teaching/explaining something

          Sharing his/her own knowledge with the other

          As the thumb joins partly with those Sacred Tasks with the middle finger, ring finger and little finger dancing out of an unknown joy within..


          On a day, the same index finger was made to show bluntly at the other person squarely pointing out the mistake the other had made..

          Shocked with the happening, the ring finger, middle finger and little finger instantly curled around themselves out of shame with thumb helplessly made to show at the erred one..

          As the person who pointed out had put down the Golden Saying,


          Bringing gloom all round!

          Instantly, the kind person next rose to the occasion, gently advised the erred one correct self for own good..

          As the other repented and promised to do only the right thereafter, the kind one cheered the erred one

          In a big way with the thumb holding the index finger and the middle finger, ring finger and little finger, all dancing together as the hand waved praising the person in front upholding the same Golden Saying..


          Bringing Cheers around!


          Monday, February 17, 2025


          A young hard working man was spending money beyond on luxuries and fancy items. That was what his best friend thought. He advised him many times but the young man never cared. Thus, he was a little sad that his friend might soon get into problems..

          During one of these days, he approached an elderly gentleman who was related to his friend and requested him to intervene/advise his friend on spending less..

          The elderly smiled and said, 

          “It is no doubt good if one spends limited in life and saves for future. But some individuals do not understand the safety of this. The mental make up is like that.. 

          If advised, they give various explanations for this attitude and none would be rational to the people who are careful. It is a situation where you can't correct the erring man so easily. But no despair.. 

          Nature has a wonderful mechanism of controlling such personalities and bringing back to discipline. As the monetary balances come down with spending beyond a level, they only indirectly exert a restraining force on such an individual.. 

          Seeing the balances coming down, the individual develops an unknown discipline. Care follows soon. It is like a chain reaction..

          As balances come down, more and more restraint in spending develops. That itself takes care..

          But this will not happen in 3 circumstances…

          No 1.. If spending is on addictive habits, this discipline will not develop because the force of addiction over takes any thing. One should be careful in this respect.

          No 2.. If some care taker is accounting the finances on behalf of such an individual, it will not work. So the spender only should be physically taking his/her money and checking the balances.

          No 3.. If one is not working, the draining is sure to accelerate as part fill up will not be there to compensate and further the idle mind in active working hours propels more spending.. It is ultimate catastrophe!

          As this young man is away from the above 3, the process of down fall in his case is always very slow and tapers in time. No major corrections are required here except giving simple advices now and then!”

          The friend was truly relieved with this piece of advice given by the elderly!

          Keywords: RESTRAINT, PURSE, #WriteAPageADay

          Sunday, February 16, 2025


          It is a fact that in Democratic Ruling, whenever a deficiency comes up or continues to exist in a certain group of people, vested interests always surround the group with all promises and plans to set right the deficiency.. 

          In this process various Programs will be brought out with rigid time bound targets and a lot of talk will be going around on the execution of the program..

          Naturally, people will be excited and an emotional wave soon follows. But all this will never bring in the required change instantly and if it happens it is a miracle only..

          Truly speaking, an honest person behind a simple Program only will bring the real change. Rest may be simply in the game of passing the buck and gaining the intermediate..

          But equally too, we can't keep quiet for the honest person to surface as that day never comes up so easily in our life time as one hundred percent honesty is an occasional entity to be found in this world.. 

          Meanwhile, time never waits and something has to be done too to alleviate exploitation and suffering.. 

          The only effective tool here is..

          Keeping a constant vigil.. 

          Thus, accepting the programs should go on as usual but keeping a vigil on the progress is a must. Here, everyone who is a beneficiary in the Program should always be ready to raise a voice for any injustice done in the implementation. Sometimes these protests will be indirectly silenced by the powerful involved.. 


          That's the only way in front and therefore all programs should ever be dynamic both from implementation and follow up point of view..

          In the process some good will be done; equally some damage too but ultimately life moves towards betterment only as being static is no solution for the problems and a dynamic state alone can help there 


          When and how is always a question to be answered with time. Here ultimately, the damage and the effort involved in questioning are the costs one has to pay to accrue the good!

          But no problem..

          Nothing comes free in this world and it's worth paying that much for the good prevail around!

          Keywords: FREE, #WRITEAPAGEADAY