Wednesday, July 24, 2024


This basic story heard in my younger days is modified and retold in my own way with 100% credit going to the idea of original author..

Two kingdoms were in constant conflict. In their own safety, each had formulated a number of security measures to guard them against spying and other indirect attacks and at the back of this elaborate security background, the life was going on..

On one occasion, the Secret Agent of one kingdom had to visit the other to deliver some important data physically to another Agent of their own operating in that kingdom..

The Agent followed all the steps diligently and soon entered the other kingdom secretly at mid night through the innovative methods he was taught. He could thus move ahead, sneaked into the city and further to the right address and entered a huge housing complex..

He went up to the required house and knocked on the door 3 times simultaneously making a scratching sound on the door instead of pressing the calling bell as a first measure of getting himself identified in the right way..

A man opened the door….

The Agent smiled at him, showed his palm with middle finger at centre and said,

"The morning sun is sharp..
The chirruping birds give hope..
The sky is blue..
The beach is cool..
The food in the box is stale..
The red paint is all round the glasshouse..
Can I come in to borrow your book?"

The man looked at him and said,

“Oh! You wanted the man living in our colony? His house No is 3310. You got confused with 3013, my house No. This way you can go to reach there!"

This post is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop

Keywords: SECRET, CODE

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


He was the staunch devotee of Lord Shiva, was in constant search of songs praising Lord and in his endless search, found the best appealing one..


He exclaimed within..

There, the best poetry was out praising Lord and those fine lines were tuned with musical notes finest to the ear.  Beyond, it was sung melodiously, recorded and in no time became the talk of the town..

"Yes.. God Worship means this song alone!"

He picked up those popular lyrics and soon was endlessly singing that song constantly offering his Prayers to the Lord at heart..

Time moved on thus majestically..

Soon, tough times surfaced..

In some time that toughness reached peak and none could do anything with the situation in front with the hope almost touching bottom seeing the strange happenings around..

There was only one way in front of him and he firmed up..

"Let me start Praying to Lord making me sail through these turbulent times safely!"

Instantly, he closed eyes and started offering that recorded prayer within his heart but surprisingly, the Prayer went on thus..

"Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya
Hara Hara Bole Namah Shivaya!"

[The Sacred Panchakshara (The Five-syllable) Mantra]

Keyword: FAITH

Monday, July 22, 2024


The Great Man said..

  • “People call me great..
  • They take blessings from me..
  • They wait patiently for my advice..
  • They are ready to spend their wealth if I tell them to do something.. 
  • They freely give donations huge in number and value for all Establishments running on my name..
  • They are ready to take admissions for their children in the schools started by my Trust..
  • They very faithfully take treatment in the hospitals run by the Trust..


  • I feel insecure and have my own doubts on issues of life..
  • I sometimes have no peace of mind when certain thoughts enter my mind..
  • I alternate many times between the right action and a compromise and
  • My life is empty with this restlessness!

Compared to this,

  • The worm in front digging continuously into the earth has no doubt about its action..
  • It does this forever on earth till its energies and strength permit and
  • It does its action so faithfully and  
  • It is happy in doing that in life!

Seen thus,

  • The worm is ever happy without doubt


  • I am waiting that to happen to me in my life!”

Saturday, July 20, 2024


In spite of,

My movements remaining tiny in front of
The Gigantic Entire..
My expressions being a spec of
Nature's Say..
My existence constantly tossed over by
Nature's Forces..
My possessions remaining nothing in front of
The Whole..
My loud talk in no time unheard in front of
Nature's Roar..
My feelings unable to change a bit
The Eternal Happenings..
My lavish consumption remaining a speck of
Nature's Turnover..
Myself, a dot in Nature trying to expand
The Entire,

The Entire
Still accommodates me with all Love
Ever identifying me as part of It
Never stopping me do what I like!


Tuesday, July 16, 2024


A Great Personality was sailing across high seas. On the ship there were people of different groups and each group segregated themselves to their 'own' and were continuing their activities effectively keeping off from other groups. The journey continued thus..

All of a sudden, an unexpected cyclone hit the ship. It was terrible for some time and the ship instantly became a tiny piece of man made item before the gigantic winds with dark clouds passing over the ship at very high speed and the waters at the bottom tossing the ship both sides. The day appeared night in no time..

Suddenly, the psychology of all passengers had undergone a dramatic change, all became single minded and started Praying to the Almighty together chanting a single message..

"God! Do Save us and Take care!”

The Prayer continued and the typhoon too for a while but soon it was time for the typhoon to come down in its intensity to the relief of all and in few hours totally vanished from the scene with sky becoming clear and weather returning to normalcy..

In further few hrs, people again segregated themselves to their smaller circles and were busy in their own activities keeping off from others..

The Great Man thought,

“How nice it would have been had the 'Togetherness' that was there sometime back continued in this normal time too!”

That's is how I'm living on Mother Earth ever oscillating between the thoughts..

'My man' and 'Not my man!'

No doubt, physical demarcations are needed between human groups as people of various countries, states, towns, villages, religions, age groups etc.. etc.. wherein that grouping has it's own purpose.. Viz.,

Right identification and smooth day to day transactions from living point of view..

Here alone, let my mind 
instead of playing its own unending tricks be trained with the thoughts..
'No doubt, divisions in the world have their own sacred purpose of leading a smooth and standard life but what my mind says thru' such divisions like

My man
Not my man

Are required only at

Memory and Action Levels

But not at

Heart Level

Where in I can sure identify myself with the 

Original Oneness.. 

If attempted to..

But there, I'll have a taste of my 'self interest' without a say as that 'self', in the nick of the moment totally embraces me and says,

  • "What are you saying? It's your life and where's the place here for others other than whom you decided upon as yours? From centuries people are doing that and all can't be wrong!"
As I carefully look deep into the origin of this divison in me, I sure find that

My pleasant and unpleasant experiences with my 'own' till date put together

Alone are indirectly affirming that; nothing else!

Thus seen,

  • It's just pure science here,
  • There's nothing my own defined in the Books of Reference with me anywhere other than that declared openly,
  • It's better I drop such my thoughts as much possible and 
  • Remain that much humble and calm in my life 
Making peace settlement with 'myself' at certain level..

Beyond, more clarity comes to me at this stage only thru' a sincere service to the Family Unit I voluntarily have taken up where in

  • The Unit is fully respected, 
  • Inside members are rightly cared for, 
  • Attached responsibilities are well discharged and 
  • Development of members is properly ensued..
Cooling down to some extent the engulfing fire within which was constantly painting a rosy picture of life of only


This post is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop


Friday, July 12, 2024


“Sir, what is ‘Total Care’ in one's life?”

“Dear, whatever be situations with me in my life, I have to care for myself with a genuine smile on my face as much possible..

That care essentially has three components..

Number 1 is..
  • I have my own requirements, both physical and psychological..
  • I should make a note of these and reasonably be equipped to meet them as my life moves on..
  • The requirements in general are what our elders specify out of their experience..
Number 2 is..

I've distractions around me which will pull me into many ditches as life moves on..
  • I've to be careful here,
  • Have to keep away from them as much as possible and
  • If over taken, soon should come out of their clutches soothing my wounds..
Number 3 is..

I've a deep thrust within me to excel in a particular style in life which may be totally acceptable around if done.

I should never say ‘No’ to this entity and allow it to express by itself.. All
  • Taboos,
  • Dogmas,
  • Beliefs,
  • Customs,
  • Austerities and
  • Sectarian behaviors
Come in the way of this expression..

All the while, I should balance myself here and encourage the freedom of expression in me if required in a diplomatic way..

All the above together is the ‘Total Care’ in one's life but ever attached with a condition that..

As one rises in life by Divine Grace, this Total Care sure undergoes a change and for him/her it looks strange that that Personality is breaking the discipline.. 

Here, I should make a note that the above discipline is for people of mundane interests alone 


When an individual goes up the ladder of his/her own Personality Refinement by God's Grace,

The discipline applicable in his/her case sure changes

I staying at a lower level should never question that at any point of time!

Keywords: CARE, TOTAL

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


  • It's a chaotic situation when the tough Customer with me talks on issues where my Company/myself are unable to rescue him/her from the trouble he/she got into by believing all those seemingly feasible promises made from our end and 
I should have certain distant vision ever readying myself to address as many issues of my Client as possible without a single word of argument from my end!
  • A tough Customer has no language barrier and freely conveys his/her point without a second thought and 
I should necessarily prepare myself well in advance without fail, as I'll understand every word of that conveyed in substance!
  • My Boss at times would surely escape from tough Customer making me a scapegoat in the melee with a whisper and 
I should ever guard myself to minimize the impact of such a happening if can't be avoided in total!
  • A tough Customer makes the serene environment around lost in no time making mental-peace of mine and my peers go expecting ‘Moon’ from sky and 
I should gracefully manage the situation and bring my Client to a level of accepting what is feasible and it's definetely a special art with me!
  • A tough Customer is a symbolic representation of facing the knife edge competition in my business field and 
I should never fail to alert my confidence to check itself again and again before asserting firmly on the related issues!
  • A tough Customer always assumes that there is no personality with me and 
I should be willing to cast off part of my ego in the process and put up a smile!
  • My customer's memory is no less and makes me to be in the middle of a war when he/she arrives and 
I should fight that war heroically, create stable environment and win over my Client's confidence!
  • A tough Customer is like a gold mine with me and 
I should invariably go through all that strenuous process of digging and segregating to pick up my gold of turning the tough Client to a potential future Customer!
  • A tough Customer forever is at the threshold of my happiness stopping me experience that and 
I should never let my passion come down and continuously delight my Client in the process as then alone I'll have the so called life of mine!
  • In spite of being well disciplined too, by chance I lose a tough Customer 
I should ever remember that part of my personality is temporarily lost and it takes great effort from my end to build it back with substance never allowing haunted feelings takeover me!

This post is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop

Keywords: Work, Customer