Monday, January 17, 2022


In the GM's Office..

"Good Morning, Sir! Have you called me?"
"Good Morning Ramesh! How are you doing?"
"Thank you Sir.. I'm fine.. Sir.... "
"Yeah! Go ahead.."
"What dear? You are the Chief , you have all Powers and you want....?"
"Yaar! Don't waste my time. I've got to go now. OK! Listen.. The reason why I called you here is.... Are you getting my Message dear? keep all your people informed on this. OK, then.. See you!"

In an hr's time, all the Managers were summoned by the Chief and... 

In the Chief's Chamber..

"Good Morning, Sir!"
“Hello! A very Good Morning to you all. How are you doing? Any problems at your end?"
"Sir! I've an issue. My Group has...."
"Sir! Mr Ganesh working with me is...."
"Sir! Last month, there was some shortage of...."
"OK.. OK.. OK.. Got your points. But before that, let me carry the Message of our GM to you.... Got it? Right this moment, please get on to your jobs and keep up the tempo. OK, see you then. I got to go now!"

And all the Managers back to their individual Cubicles were soon active in passing that single Message of their Boss in their own style to their Assistants..

In the Cubicle of the 1st Manager..

"Sir! I need some clarification here. Can we....?"

“No, No, No.. No, Am telling you a big 'No'.. Not at all.. Listen to me.. No.. No.. Whatever it be, I don't agree. OK.. Leave all that. You just have to start the work and get me the results by....”

In the Cubicle of the 2nd Manager..

"Sir! I've a problem.. This month, there was...."

“Yes.. Yes.. Yes.. Yes, I very much agree with you. Yes.. You are right.. But.. you see.. Yes.. That's the problem. Yes.. OK.. By today evening, I want from you….”

In the Cubicle of the 3rd Manager..

"Sir! Yesterday, that boy working with me Mr.... had...."

“Alright.. OK.. Agreed.. Fine.. Yeah.. Great.. Never expected.. OK.. I understand.. OK.. Nice.. But remember, today itself we got to finish this work. No laxity here. Got my message?”

In the Cubicle of the 4th Manager..

"Sir! I want to you to resolve this one issue...."

Nod.. Nod.. Nod.. "OK, tell me further...." Nod.. Nod.. Nod.. Finally a big double nod with instructions.. "You please see that by evening your work is completed and...."

In the Cubicle of the 5th Manager..

"Sir! The job with me has a problem...."

“What are you telling? Where? When it happened? Who? Which file he wants? Come on.. How can he ask like that? OK! listen.. You got to finish this by today itself and then only....”

In the Cubicle of the 6th Manager..

"Sir! I need your help in my today's...."

“Sorry.. Am too busy.. No time.. I don't know what's going on here. Please no more clarifications on this. Just start your work and I'm telling you by evening, you should finish....”

All the Assistants 

In no time, with whatever they understood were back to their Spots briefing their Staff on the day's work..

All the Staff 

Soon, were back to their respective places to finish their work for the day which ultimately,


Whatever the intervening problems be!

Keyword: OFFICE


  1. A true story! An exact scenario of today's office culture....

  2. And yet the procrastinators would find a way ...

    1. Of course that's a different story.... Thank you for the nice Comment!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for leaving such a nice Comment on these Pages!
