Saturday, August 21, 2021


In the beginning God created man and said,

"You are gifted additionally to take care of My Creation next to you!"

Man promised to do that 100%..

As time passed, the 'self' in man started saying,

"God never can question you if you do a little this way that way as that often goes unnoticed!"

Man lured by that was about to deviate there when the 'Consciousness' in man said,

"Who knows? God may be making every note of your doing. Better follow what is prescribed to you originally!"

Thus soon, there were 2 groups of people in the world..

The advocators of 'self' and

The followers of 'Consciousness'

The followers of 'Consciousness' taking care of the Creation and 

The advocators of 'self' making use of the Creation for their enjoyment..

As time passed a few warnings came from Skies on wrongs being done to His Creation and the corrections required therein..

The 'self' of the man asserted,

"Okay.. You can do all that later.. Make hay when the sun shines!"

The 'Consciousness' of the man said,

"Already, it is a fact..'To err is human!'

Start correcting those mistakes invariably done with repentance and stop giving place for any voluntary mistakes for a better tomorrow!"

"Forget tomorrow.. Live for the day!"

"You may forget it now.. But many times tomorrow is a fact!"

"What is in store, none knows.. Enjoy the present!"

"What is in store is sure known here.. Don't get away from the Right!"

"None has seen the heaven.. Enjoy, the heaven on earth in front!"

"Agreed.. But the heaven seen here can turn into hell in no time!"

"Listen to me.. Don't lose the golden opportunity in front!"

"Listen to me equally.. Why are you sticking to fake gold losing the real gold in store?"

"Whatever you say, enjoying to brim is the ultimate here on earth!"

"The True Bliss in life exists sure in doing the Right!"

"If you don't listen, I know how to pull you in my line!"

"Agreed.. That happens often.. But holding the sword of Righteousness, sure one can conquer all those hurdles and move on!"

Thus went the ultimate fight between

Enjoyment and

Refraining from wrong involvement..

God smiled from above..

"No way, the ignorance in man drives the person to bad and when that goes up in the world by leaps and bounds  thru' the eternal selfish game of man in spite of the good continue leaving a silver lining everywhere

'tadaatmaanam srijaamyaham!'

(Sloka 7, Chapter 4 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita) 

'I Manifest Myself (on the Earth)!'"

Keywords: self, Consciousness