Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Two men of totally opposite mental temperaments were asserting often,

"I'm 100% a social creature. I never keep myself alone. Let it be on phone, in person, or on chat I continuously keep contact with my people..

Sure, keeping to oneself is not the characteristic of humans and interacting with the world thru' active communication alone is the gist of one's life..

Thus goes my life this day..
  • I'm happy,
  • I feel I'm perfect and
  • I assert I'm right!"
"I keep almost to myself. There are many of my works and my interests and I'm all the time busy with those activities..

I feel nothing wrong in living thus as I interact with the world the min required but nothing more to that..

Thus goes my life this day..
  • I'm happy,
  • I feel I'm perfect and
  • I assert I'm right!"
The Deep Thinker hearing both the talks, mused within..

"The assertions that
  • I'm happy
  • I'm perfect
  • I'm right
Are the statements I should guard making in my life whatever I may be doing the reason being at any known instance I'm never 100%


But no go.. I'm eternally driven by unknown force within me to express myself thus..

Ok.. Let me be expressing myself thus thru' this strong driving force within me but
Initially, let me  look at my basic living actions and and let me there carefully weed out all the unsafe and illegal aspects of my actions in tune with the law of land as

I have a 'body' and 'mind' and they should be cared for and protected all the time thru' these my actions..

Beyond, let me look at the social and moral requirements around me to be fulfilled thru' my actions and let me not say no there too as

I have my own 'self respect' and 'self esteem' and they should be protected for my good thru' these my actions.. 

Further, let me look at the ethical and spiritual aspects of my actions and let me try involving myself there too

As I have a hidden 'pride' and 'prejudice' within me whatever I may say that can truly be fought to a certain extent thru' these my actions..


Finally, let me look into a certain experimentation and investigation all by myself thru' my actions and let me try involving in that direction too to the extent I can do

As ultimately I may have a firm belief in me that I am so and so but I am much, much more than that as I transgress my thinking from the 'Limited Feeling' to 'Infinite Reality' thru' these my actions..

Done thus, sure there will be certain mental balance with me in this life my mental health firmly established in me as I have taken


“This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”

Keywords: Happy, Perfect, Right


  1. Mental health demands constant attention. A balanced mind is a rare gift.

    1. Yes, Tomichan Matheikal.. Rightly said.. If I am in constant attention, that itself makes it crystal clear to me what to do and what not in a given situation. Not having a doubt in my such actions itself is mental calmness, whatever be the result broadly.. Thanks for the critical comment on the Post!
