Monday, April 10, 2023


In teens..

"Trust me, I'm the fastest runner in our play ground. Every runner gives way with a smile as I pick my pace.. I don't know how many rounds I do but for about an hr daily non stop!"

In early 20's..

"What.. , For the first time, I saw myself lagging behind that one guy in my running here. Is he so smart? Can't allow this!"

In late 20s..

"Ok.. I see now  a few smart ones overtaking me in my running and I stopped bothering!"

In mid 30s..

"My early morning running is now running in 2-3 steps.. It's okay, still I run the full course nothing less!"

In early 40s..

I stopped running and switched over to fast walking in the park near my home. My that walking is almost like running only!"

In early 50s..

"My fast walking has slowed down a bit.. I was advised to walk slower as in the long run I need to save on wear and tear. Sometime back, I purchased my flat here and moved in. We have good walking path in the compound area. I walk 7 rounds daily.  Still my speed is no less!"

In late 50s..

"Of late, I've become average in my walking. Fast walking is for youngsters. At my age, slow and steady is the best. Slow doesn't mean really slow. Even today, I over take 50% of walkers in my area!"

In early 60s..

"Recently, I shifted to my newly purchased Villa. It has good space around for morning walkers. My daily routine is.. Early morning finish my walk and then.... To tell you, there are few here, who walk slower than me. Sure age issues!"

Later years..

"Now a days, I shifted my morning walk to 0830 instead of earlier 0630 as I am finding difficult to get up so early. No issues, whatever the age, walking must go on. These days, I make max 4 rounds sitting 5 minutes after every round. As I walk, every one overtakes me; we smile at each other!"

‘This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’

Keywords: I, #BLOGCHATTERA2Z2023