Thursday, April 6, 2023


An Emperor proclaimed,

'I m a non believer of God!'

The wise Minister said,

'Pardon me, Your Majesty. I can 't move away from my belief in God!'

"Believing in God is weakness. Instead, be doing good and thus live your life!"

"Other way seen, it's a strength to me. Let me do good and beyond believe in the Almighty!"

"Talking is easy.. Can you prove at least, something in this line?"

The Minister kept silence but the next day said to the Emperor,

"Your Majesty! Last night, God appeared in my dream and said,

'Your Emperor would be facing a misfortune on the coming Wednesday!'”

The Emperor laughed and said,

"Dear! If I am moving actively outside on this day and by chance have a small catch or sprain, people of your thinking will surely attribute that to your God dream which I feel had just happened. Let us both stay inside the palace on this day from 6 to 6!"

Accordingly, the Emperor remained indoors that Wednesday with his Minister nothing going wrong all the day. In the end, the Emperor asserted,

“No one can do anything to an individual who all along carries high self confidence and totally believes in self!”

The Minister said,

“Your Majesty! You are a Monarch and supposed to be ruling all of us. Your Highness,

For the first time to my knowledge, left all the important official works and stayed back in the palace for the whole active part of the day..

What other misfortune should descend on an Emperor of your caliber, Sir?”

"Then you also had this misfortune!"

"I'm a small man before the Emperor and my works are not that important. Instead, unexpectedly I stayed the whole day in the palace along with Your Highness and thus was blessed!"

"Ha! Ha! It's just an interpretation. Actually nothing less happened to me and nothing great came up to you. We both are the same at the end of the day!"

"That's exactly I too want to say, Sir.. We both are the same. Then why can't we both remain the same when defeated or honored in our life?"

The Emperor became thoughtful. The Minister continued..

"Sir! If as a mortal I can do that, I really don't need the concept of God. Since I am helplessly carried away between my pain and pleasure endlessly with the happenings propelled by the uncertainty around, I sure need a support to

Stand to the adversities and recover quickly

As well as

Remain humble with my gains by the side

And thus continue my journey of life with certain stability as the end is not known to me at this moment.. 

That's possible only if I carry a belief at this moment in the

Super Power as the Ultimate

And thus move on of course, doing my duties to the core..

In time, that doing duties to the core sublimates the self enabling man rise in life and as that rise picks up, the definition of God too with the person sublimates ultimately rising to point of

Universal Oneness

Where the

Phenomenon merges with the Noumenon


Peace alone stays!

What's wrong in having such Faith with me all along my life?"

The Emperor was speechless with the explanation given by His wise Minister..

"You opened my eyes. From today, for me God truly exists as

Nothing can come unless something is there!"

"But Sir.. As

Something can come up out of nothing too

It's better, we believe in God in the Right direction alone forever saying 'No' to the extras created around the Sacred Belief by few vested interests to make fortunes and thrive in luxuries!"

Clarified the Minister at the back of a smile as he revealed his plan behind his God dream..

Just confirming on those wordings, a Vedic Teacher outside the palace was heard reciting aloud followed by his Scholars repeating in chorus the 8th Verse, Chapter X of Srimad Bhagavad Gita where in Lord Krishna declares to Prince Arjuna....

'Aham sarvasya prabhavo
mattah sarvam pravartate;
Iti matwaa bhajante maam
buddhaa bhaavasamanvitaah.'

'I am the source of all (in the Universe); from Me (alone) everything evolves; understanding thus the wise (forever), through meditation, worship me (alone).'

‘This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’

Keywords: FAITH, 

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