Saturday, February 10, 2024


The Great Philosopher cum Saint wished to tell about His Perceptions of Life to few people around 'As Is'..

He approached the knowledgeable, the ruler, the man in business and the workman in that context..

The knowledgeable said, "I'm the storehouse of knowledge.. 

Why not you listen to what I say?"

The ruler said, "I hold power in all matters.. 

Why not you praise me as great?"

The man in business said, "I do the best business in my field..

Why not you tell me something that makes my business better?"

The workman said, "I'm tired beyond with my work and there's no energy to listen to anything.. 

Why not you leave me for a while?"

The Great Saint said to Himself, "None wants this knowledge.. 

Let my Perceptions get digested within me alone!"

As I look at what the Great Saint had decided to do in respect of the Highest Knowledge with Him, I being infinitesimally small compared to the Great Saint and my knowledge too is infinitesimally small and I have no right to even request people next to me to pay attention to that as forever they would be having better things to do in their life than listen to my request..

Then what is the way with me as I have a thrust in me to tell that people?

No doubt, as the Great Saint too approached people to share his knowledge, I too can and should bring it out so that it is available for people and I further be available to them to answer their doubts whatever with my understanding, take their feed back too on the subject, be ever open to incorporate that where that fits in my say as their saying and thus keep the whole available for people in future anytime to scrutinize the whole and bring out that again availble for people!