Friday, April 12, 2024


“Sir, I am doing my best around. But still I attract criticism in my doings. If I miss anything there, I agree that it's my fault and I've to correct the same. And I'm ready too to make up any loss or damage that resulted because of that..

But people around me never understand this and ever talk something or other on my doing saying that what I do is not the right..

I'm unhappy and sometimes feel like stopping all these works and get off from the scene!"

“Dear! To distinguish between the right and the wrong is not that simple.. What appeals to me max here is a little more correct compared to what appeals to others. That’s all..

The infinite gap between the Original Truth and what I perceive in life is my ignorance. This is associated with simultaneous feelings of

Guilt and

In me together called strife in life.. No doubt, when it strikes,

It appears profound,
Feels like that life is not worth living
With a deep negative feeling of something missing!

The reason for this feeling is that my ‘self’ is not recognized for a moment and I wish very much the same recognized at any cost!

Tell me, how much am I correct here in pointing out people around me when actually I too can't cross my limit and understand my right a bit better?

If you catch this point, it's evident that the only safe way of living the moment is..

‘Continue doing all the essential works without a stop!’

No doubt, a difficult task and those moments of continuing doing the essential works do look like a total loss of personality.. A feeling of

'My kingdom is lost!'

But when I involve thus patiently, that’s all.. I've conquered myself and

'My kingdom is back to me!'

In a definite time depending on the level of hurt, I would be seeing an equal level of calmness along with the good accrued out of the right deeds done by me in time!

Remember the Sun God ever rises in the East and never stops setting in the west after 12 hrs of duty of heating the half globe and continue that for the next 12 hrs on the other half without a sec rest let whatever be happening on the earth..

Isn't it my No 1 duty here to pay the Salutations to the God of our life with a promise that I too never stop doing my job in the right way known to me without a single concern for what others talk on my doing equally not questioning on their limitation?"

I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z 

Keywords: #BlogchatterA2Z, DUTY

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