Sunday, May 12, 2024


From my bed, I thought lazily, "I'm off from work for the day!" 

Instantly, a few Proverbs/Quotes touched my ears..
  • 'No bees, no honey; no work, no money!' - Proverb
  • 'The lazy bones should work twice!' - South American Proverb
  • 'A man grows most tired while standing still!' - Chinese Proverb
  • 'Mankind's worst enemy is fear of work!'-- Unknown
  • 'When I had money, every one called me brother!'-- Polish Proverb
Taken a back, I pulled up and declared, "OK.. Ready for 8 hrs!"

Again few Proverbs/Quotes poured in..
  • 'I have 2 Masters, Devil and God. I work for Devil until lunch and follow the Lord!' -- Gypsy Proverb
  • 'You will never plough a field if you only turn it over in your mind!' -- Irish proverb
  • 'When I was a young man I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. I didn't want to be a failure, so I did ten times more work!' -- G B Shaw
  • 'It's quite possible to work without results but never will there be results without work!' -- Unknown
Not able to get off from those Messages, I firmed up. "OK.. OK.. Promise more than 8 hrs!" 

Instantly I heard..
  • 'Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but the seeds you plant!' -- Robert Louis Stevenson
That message went deep into my heart and I modified my say, "Promise quality work more than 8 hrs a day!" 

In no time, one more quote was heard..
  • 'Try not to become a person of success but try to become a person of value!' -- Albert Einstein
Shaken up again, I instantly changed it. "Let me do that quality work in shorter time!" 

The Great Entrepreneur was smiling at me saying,
  • 'It's not the Employer who pays the wages. Employers handle the money. It's the customer who pays the wages!' -- Henry Ford
Felt bad having ignored the fact therein and I corrected myself. "Let me do the highest quality work and wait till my customer accepts it!" 

I was gently reminded at that point of time thru' the famous quote..
  • 'Know what you own and know why you own it!' -- Peter Lynch
I got it and corrected fully myself with my decision. "Let me do all that work sincerely and impress my customer to get future orders for my company!" 

Still, I was not freed and another gentle reminder followed..
  • 'Money grows on trees of persistence!' -- Japanese Proverb
"Thanks for the great Sayings.. Finally I understood what a sincere work is and I'll do my work to get future orders keeping off rivals from my customer!"

Great Personalities never left me there and thru' their Sayings showed where I can improve!
  • 'Chose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life!' -- Confucius
  • 'Pleasure in job puts perfection in work!' -- Aristotle
  • 'May the work of your hands be the gratitude and reverence to the human condition!' -- MK Gandhi
Finally, as I bowed down to Great Personalities for awakening me and putting me into the best mode of working with total dedication, right at that moment Sloka 10, Chapter III, Bhagavad Gita was heard on distant loud speakers with the meaning explained..

"saha-yajnah prajah srstva
purovaca prajapatih
anena prasavisyadhvam
esa vo ’stv ista-kama-dhuk."

"Having first created mankind together with ygna,
the Prajapati said, ‘By this shall you propagate; Let this be to you the cow of plenty!’"

Keyword: WORK

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