Tuesday, May 28, 2024


It was evening hrs and a few clouds appeared in the skies. A light breeze started, a dry twig broke and fell into the waters below causing a few ripples therein. Soon followed a few more twigs with the small sounds of them touching the waters were distinctly audible around the near by area.. As I felt,

Some water droplets on my face, I looked up and 

Saw the clouds slowly becoming thick and dark with the wind speed going up steadily and soon a moderate drizzle started with the incessant droplets of rain hitting the waters continuously, winds blowing in all directions and a large number of twigs and leaves severed from the tree branches above falling into waters.. 

In no time, the scene in front was totally a different one compared to the earlier calm environment but had its own beauty with the various complex sounds, movements and all that related disturbance..

Noticing such a natural phenomenon of happening around, the young man next to me suddenly exclaimed..

“I'm seeing here that in the absence of the drizzle and the breeze, the sound of a few twigs falling into waters was distinctly audible with total calmness around.. 

But, when it started drizzling continuously with winds blowing in all directions and a number of twigs and leaves simultaneously breaking and falling into waters, no doubt the original clarity and calmness is totally lost but the new limited disturbance with the wind, drizzle and many twigs touching the waters making varied sounds instantly had its own beauty and my mind ever craved for that experience to continue.. 

Seen thus.. 

In my life too, the disturbances and challenges at certain level in fact are a welcome as they do a lot good to me to retain my mental balance and restore peace. Since in Nature, routine disturbances are common, routine challenges have to be faced by me, routine tasks have to be completed and routine schedules have to be met.. 

Here, a complacent mind which is never ready to face such ripples of life and constantly tries to escape to a cool environment would definitely be unfit to face the real turbulent situations of life when they come up..

Seen thus, the right attitude in my life is sure 

Stand to such realities and live thru' ever solving the problems that come up one after the other; nonetheless!"

This post is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop

Keyword: Nature


  1. Interlinked! emotions and change always lead to upheaval.

    1. Very much rightly said, Ambica. What human wants is ever a mixture of calmness and disturbance. So problems in life are never a burden, of course they are there and are part of human life and it is ever wisdom to look at them in that sense alone. Seen thus, certain calmness dawns before addressing the problem itself and that calmness becomes the main driving force to rise and face the problem. Thanks for the appropriate comment on the Post.. Wishes!
