Friday, September 6, 2024


~~~ "That young learning driver not knowing how to pull the vehicle on slope came to a halt in the middle of the road leading to
    Others behind curse him indirectly with one man physically forcing himself start the vehicle!
~~~ That young man speeding on his bike is abruptly stopped by few drivers on the road leading to
    Total confusion and chaos followed by arguments and counter arguments!
~~~ This High School student made a mistake in respect of traffic rules leading to
  • More confusion to the already existing chaos in front forcing the elderly man to warn the boy sternly!
~~~ That very elderly man, trying to cross the road with the help of an young lady brought all traffic to halt leading to
  • More vehicles piling up behind!
~~~ This child is all along walking with his mother in playful mode leading to
  • Adding more tensions to the already stressed drivers nearby!"
The scene in front is too pathetic and sickening!"

*** "That young learning driver not knowing how to pull his vehicle on slope came to a halt in the middle of the road leading to
  • Others behind advise him how to control the vehicle on slope with one man physically helping him out all trying to teach him the RIGHT!
*** That young man speeding on his bike is abruptly stopped by few drivers on the road leading to
  • He being firmly advised thru' certain shouting teaching him on the spot the RIGHT!
*** This High School student made a mistake in respect of traffic rules leading to
  • An elder next to him instantly instruct how to adhere to the rules for his safety then and there teaching him the RIGHT!
*** That very elderly man, trying to cross the road with the help of an young lady brought all traffic to halt leading to
  • The young lady make him cross the road safely with the vehicle drivers waiting patiently thus all in the situation doing the RIGHT!
*** This child is all along walking with his mother in playful mode leading to
  • The mom consciously controlling the movements of the little one to see that he does not run helter-skelter with few passers-by advising the mother to be extra careful thus every one doing the RIGHT part of their work!
The scene in front is truly unusual and interesting!"

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