Monday, February 17, 2025


A young hard working man was spending money beyond on luxuries and fancy items. That was what his best friend thought. He advised him many times but the young man never cared. Thus, he was a little sad that his friend might soon get into problems..

During one of these days, he approached an elderly gentleman who was related to his friend and requested him to intervene/advise his friend on spending less..

The elderly smiled and said, 

“It is no doubt good if one spends limited in life and saves for future. But some individuals do not understand the safety of this. The mental make up is like that.. 

If advised, they give various explanations for this attitude and none would be rational to the people who are careful. It is a situation where you can't correct the erring man so easily. But no despair.. 

Nature has a wonderful mechanism of controlling such personalities and bringing back to discipline. As the monetary balances come down with spending beyond a level, they only indirectly exert a restraining force on such an individual.. 

Seeing the balances coming down, the individual develops an unknown discipline. Care follows soon. It is like a chain reaction..

As balances come down, more and more restraint in spending develops. That itself takes care..

But this will not happen in 3 circumstances…

No 1.. If spending is on addictive habits, this discipline will not develop because the force of addiction over takes any thing. One should be careful in this respect.

No 2.. If some care taker is accounting the finances on behalf of such an individual, it will not work. So the spender only should be physically taking his/her money and checking the balances.

No 3.. If one is not working, the draining is sure to accelerate as part fill up will not be there to compensate and further the idle mind in active working hours propels more spending.. It is ultimate catastrophe!

As this young man is away from the above 3, the process of down fall in his case is always very slow and tapers in time. No major corrections are required here except giving simple advices now and then!”

The friend was truly relieved with this piece of advice given by the elderly!

Keywords: RESTRAINT, PURSE, #WriteAPageADay

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