Friday, March 14, 2025


  • "In life, you have to take care of yourself the best for your betterment!"
Said the Advisor..
  • "I always check once and add the required extra care from my end!"
Asserted the person of high worldly interest..
  • "I double check and add the required extra care from my end!"
Affirmed the person of many morals..
  • "I check treble and add the required extra care from my end!"
Confirmed the person of all ethics..
  • "I check multiple times and add the extra care required from my end!"
Stressed the extra careful person..
  • "I continuously check and go on adding the extra care required from my end!"
Said the person full of spiritual engagements..

"I work from dawn to dusk and after simple dinner and small engagement with family, instantly fall asleep. Morning as I get up and freshen myself, I'm back to my work. I don't understand what that extra care I should take, you all are talking of?"

Queried the humble worker with a simple smile!

Keywords: EXTRA, CARE

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