Friday, May 11, 2012

The right Service....

“I am doing a lot for my family. I love them. I work for them to the core. But they expect me to show result everywhere. I am all the time working for the same. But you know, the results are not totally in my hand. Sometimes there is a downfall in the achievement. I am rebuked for the same. I do not understand how to address this problem. I am sad….” A  man in mid forties thus expressed to an elderly gentleman one day evening….

“My Dear! I clearly understand your predicament” said the elderly. “You see! We, most of the times do our works to please our people, that’s the mistake we do! It is difficult to understand this. When I try this way, surely, I will feel bad when failure strikes….Forget about rebuke from the family members….I, myself would be feeling bad for my failure even if they are all supportive. The simple discipline in this scenario is to understand that I am not here to do the works of some other person and thus please him/her who ever the individual may be…. I am doing my works because there only lies the safety for me and for everyone around!”

While departing the elderly said, “You should always focus on doing your works with as little diversions as possible. The diversions are easy ways of life and they exactly come in the way of doing the required works. So, be attentive in respect of diversions….Then, whatever results may come, they are always acceptable with one hundred percent smile….And all good lies in this attitude alone!”

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