Sunday, September 25, 2016


Yes.. The classic train arrived at the prestigious station whistling all thru' and stopped. A look inside showed instantly a great wonder.. The short train with 4 compartments was totally empty. Never seen such a train before in my life..

Initially, I thought it was not my train but in no time, I was told that I should quickly getting into it as it won't stop for a long time. Thus I got into a totally empty train for the first time and equally it was no go for me with a silent threat looming at my back..

Left with no choice as I got in to the empty train, it started moving slowly and in no time picked up speed. Soon it was passing thru some ridges and valleys making a continuous sound and I was worried seeing the speed at which the engine was pulling, it may jump off the tracks at any moment but the design of tracks and the train was so robust that nothing happened like that..

Soon my train passed through a station with great speed without stopping with few passengers waiting with luggage in their hands to board the same and continued its further onward journey..

In no time it was passing over a long bridge making a beautiful rattling sound, successfully crossed it and the next moment was into a long tunnel like thing. At the next station, it stopped but none was waiting for the train and none got down too as it was empty..

Thus continued my travel, I was soon tired of the monotonous journey totally alone and wished that I get down soon. And to my surprise, suddenly I was told aloud that my stop was coming up and I should be ready to get down. I followed that instruction almost mesmerized with the whole journey experience going on smoothly and arriving safely at my destination..

As soon as I got down, I wanted to thank my driver as he truly helped me complete my journey so safely and as I moved and approached him with a small reward for helping me out thus, He just took it and gave me a broad smile feeling great within for the successful job he just completed!

The story is truly complete only if you kindly read the Post 
to know what exactly was this strange empty train that helped complete my journey!

This post is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop

‘This post was originally part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’



  1. Let all of us make such train (or plane or bus) trips from time to time under the stewardship of their wonderful drivers / controllers. Heart-soothing post it is Sir.

    1. That's great to hear from you Jitendra.. Thanks for a very meaningful comment here!

  2. Great sir !!!! Loved the twist at the end ....

    1. Thanks Vasantha.. That's truly a nice appreciation.. And addl thanks for joining my Blog!

  3. Nice post. Though I was rather intrigued by this line: "And to my surprise, suddenly I was told aloud that my stop is coming up and I should be ready to get down..." as there was nothing mentioned to solve this apparent mystery.

    Arvind Passey

    1. Thank you very much for your time in writing such detailed comment, Arvind.. You sure will find the answer for those words if you click to the link mentioned in the Post.. Hope it's clear now!
