Sunday, February 23, 2025


"Sir! Sometime I wonder what type of Democratic Ruling we have..

Take the example of the ordinary individuals around us..

Some of them, constantly and surely would be observing the glaring wrong being done by few people at the back of certain muscle and money power with them and how the public getting misguided by these vested interests.. 

But they are equally afraid to talk on that as they sure know that if they do that beyond, they'll be shown their position in no time.. 

That way seen the ordinary men and women around in spite of clearly knowing the wrong going on around may just be keeping off out of fear of threat or backlash if the same is openly brought out.. 

If that is the fate of the few so called intelligentsia of the society, the ordinary person who can never conceive at this depth is totally gullible in hands of the power mongers and rule implementors and thus the system forever goes thus unchanged.. 

Please tell me, what great freedom one can experience in such a system around other than keeping silence and living their life?"
  • "Dear! I understand what you are saying and definitely it's difficult to the knowledgeable to speak out openly on the likely wrong intentions behind the proposals and rules made by the vested interested groups but their responsibility never ends there towards the society if carefully looked into these aspects in depth!"
"What are you talking sir? What these intellectuals around us can really do dedicatedly as the powerful forces around can straighten them in no time? Not all are so great to withstand the hardships they would face in the process.. 

Definitely there is stage where they start acting neutral if not along with the wrong as they find life otherwise miserable for them alone. What way they can help to stop this powerful exploitation which goes on silently but eternally?"
  • "Yes.. What all you said is correct and none of the so called intellectuals around us should act without seeing their own strengths to face the onslaught that would be targeted at them if opposed beyond. But they equally are not totally tied down there..
  • A person who knows the wrong that can happen or the feasible wrong intentions behind any proposals made by the rulers of the system, should talk on that softly thru' the channels available with them without bringing out explicitly targeting any one in the process and try educating the people around them continuously..
  • If this much is constantly done by the persons who I agree are so weak to talk or bring out beyond, an initiation is truly done in the minds of the listeners around him/her who mostly are like him/her only but could not grasp this point till then.. 
  • They in turn become part of such movement at a very primitive level. And I'm sure a few of these listeners start looking into the aspects talked of who in turn become supporters of this silent movement..
  • Thus a movement starts where the ordinary knowledgeable persons become truly a party but without any fear of backlash in their minds and that sure lays firm foundation for the required change!"

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