Monday, February 24, 2025


"Sir! I've a problem!"
  • "Dear! Don't say 'I've a problem!' Say 'I'm finding solution to my problem!'"
"I tried.. Nothing is working!"
  • "If A,B,C don't work, D,E,F will.. It's that simple!"
"But sir, sometimes it's not possible to.... I'm saying this because I indirectly tried 'D' too but could never progress. Sometimes, problems are like that!"
  • "No.. No.. No.. A BIG 'NO'.. Listen, dear! If a problem takes birth, the solution too is born along with it. That much simple. You need to catch that solution!"
"Sir.. I agree.. But..."
  • "There's no 'BUT.' Just replace it with 'SURE!'"
"Sir! Whatever you say, once..."
  • "No.. ONCE, TWICE or THRICE.. Alphabets may be limited but numbers are not. 1ST ATTEMPT, 2ND ATTEMPT, 3RD ATTEMPT... Do you want me continue saying?"
"I agree, Sir.. but we've limited energies to explore too!"
  • "Dear! Your energies may be limited, but energies of ONE, TWO, THREE.... people next to you are there.. Borrow them and repay subsequently. That simple!"
"Sir! I can't disturb people like that!"
  • "It's not disturbing, dear.. TAKING HELP.. HELP.. HELP.. There are countable people around you to give HELP!"
"That way too I tried but still..."
  • "Just stop saying BUT.. Start saying.. 'I TRY.. TRY.. TRY.. TRY..' You know.. There's no full stop for this sentence!"

The gentleman who advised so meticulously was not seen for a fortnight. Heard some one saying..
  • "You know, that person who talks.. talks.. talks.. Presently a trivial problem had put him down..
  • He used to advise every one to be on toes endlessly solving problems but he forgot that with certain problems, one needs to be on knees endlessly which in no time exhausts the person and there
A sincere Prayer to the Almighty alone takes care of one's happiness and Peace!"

'asato ma sad gamaya,
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya,
mrtyor mamrtam gamaya,
om shanti shanti shanti.'

'Lead me from the unreal to the real
Lead me from the darkness to the light
Lead me from death to the immortality
Let there be peace, peace, peace.'

(The Pavamana Mantra of Brahadaranyaka Upanishad)


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