Friday, September 30, 2022


A few members visited an Ashram and requested the Master to accept them as His disciples. The Master smiled and said,

"Before I do that, read this Sacred Book and let me know what you understood!"

The members returned, read the Book thoroughly, came back and all except one exclaimed,
  • How the book had inspired them.. Further to that, they affirmed,
  • Which books are going to be permanently on their shelves thereafter and
  • Whom they would be following.. Subsequently they explained,
  • What they were convinced of doing for life time.. Beyond, they asserted
  • Why they should do all that and revealed their detailed plan of
  • Where &
  • When they would be beginning..
One member alone said,
  • How the book had raised a series of doubts in him.. Further to that, he said,
  • Which books he should read in future and
  • Whom he should enquire.. Subsequently, he explained
  • What he is going to do for the time being.. Beyond reasoned out
  • Why is he thinking in that way and told his temporary plan of
  • Where &
  • When he would be beginning..
The Master asked all to get back to their earlier routines 
but advised that one member to
  • Leave not questioning and
  • Stop not finding 
At any point of time..

Thus seen, Living in the world with the Religious mind for ever demands continuous Negation. It's called the Principle of Neti.. 

'Na+Iti'.. Meaning.. 'Not That'.. 

And it forever asserts that a human being evolves only by continuous questioning never satisfied of what is known..

All Great Personalities forever insisted every one constantly put questions using the 7 tools of any investigation Viz.,

Where &

And then only firm up on the Right everywhere invariably without fail in Philosophical and Religious fields as

Of all the exploitations existing in the world, exploitation in 


Is maximum..

In parallel, I should not equally forget that I have my own identity with me and when I firm up with that identity alone, I exist in peace..

Seen that limitation with masses, all the Great Philosophers and Saints suggested one to Believe in the Concept of God out of own wish and will, the highest Cosmic Oneness Existence and thus prima facie remain at peace to do all that exploration and investigation whatever said and done..

So, the word 'Religion' forever has its own Sanctity in the world and is a necessary requirement to lead peaceful life with most of the people..

Dividing the masses and keeping them under their grip is the eternal game of power mongers of the world from time immemorial for which many tools were used and here the entity 'Religion' too is used as one of tools..

Thus seen in whole, as there is no ultimate meaning to life at any point of time for the coming up generations with Religion taken out from their hearts, whatever be the ruling politics prevailing   

The latest IndiSpire Prompt

Will religion survive beyond 2040? #Religion2040 

Will always be answered positive

With each individual defining Religion in his/her own way, whatever!

This Post was written earlier in line with the then IndiSpire Prompt..

Religion has caused much violence and pain in the world throughout human history. It has no rational foundation either. Yet it continues to dominate human affairs even in today's scientific and technological world. Why? #WhyReligion

Keyword: Religion

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