Tuesday, December 27, 2022


An elderly gentleman was an honest man. Further, he used to advise the youngsters around him too to be honest in their life enumerating the advantages of such a life..

A youngster, a close observer of the elderly man was not happy on one issue in respect of him..

The elderly some times used to do exactly opposite of what he usually used to preach!

Thus, it was a constant point of doubt for the young man whether the elderly was truly honest. Soon that reached a level where no more he could keep it to himself and on a fine day straight away asked him,

“Sir! Why do you break sometimes the very rules you ask us to follow always?”

The elderly said,

  • I am never honest to show to the world that I am great and I can do something different. I lead an honest life as I am very much convinced that that alone gives the true peace in our lives..
  • But you see, many times living is not a simple process as other people are constantly involved with us and there following meticulously all rules and regulations is practically impossible..
  • In case I try to follow, it results in lots of procedural problems for the people who are in association with me and I am not such a great man here to disturb the daily activities of these people through my principles..
  • So I have to live practically and persue my research to find a meaning to this life simultaneously making life of others smooth and easy without my interference..
  • I thus see here my exact level where I should operate every moment of my life and am doing accordingly alone..
  • Here, I am constantly keeping a vigil and trying basically to follow all the rules where possible without getting attached to following the rules. If I don't do that, the spirit of being honest will be lost in me and the rule bound attitude alone will remain in a discrete way!"
In the end, the elderly smiled and quipped,

"Don't worry.. You have every right to assess me thus and feel that my honesty is limited!”

The young man was spellbound with the way the elderly gentleman spoke about himself so honestly!

Keyword: HONESTY