Monday, September 4, 2017


"Sir! Of late, I foresee certain risks in every walk of my life such as Failing in that aimed at,
Losing something,

  • Facing a threat, 
  • Getting involved in unnecessary issues, 
  • Being subjected to many travails, 
  • Being driven to a 'NO GO' situation, 
  • Being made to accept the unwanted etc.. 

And this life appears totally meaningless at the back of my elaborate plans and aspirations. To tell you frankly, I see nothing in front that is interesting. A sort of emptiness is felt everywhere. May be this is the Ultimate Truth of Life that the Great Men had talked of often?”

Thus was saying a man of mid thirties on a certain occasion to an elderly well-wisher who was considered to be a man of great wisdom and deep thinking. The elderly listened to all that, paused for a while and said,

“Dear! The situation you described is not the state of experiencing the Ultimate Truth of Life but just a feeling of despondency within and what you talk is nothing but a dry philosophy with no substance in it. One at times gets into this state of mind when

  • A major activity closes with a new activity seen ahead as a burden or 
  • The issues in front become too routine going on their own without much of one's say or involvement! 
If you take a second look at the risks of life you mentioned, you'll in no time notice that..
  • There are certain risks with us where in facing the same is inevitable like the professional risks and the risks in meeting our core responsibilities.. 
  • There are some calculated risks in front as we aim at meeting our aspirations of life and go ahead with our own expressions.. and 
  • There are risks which we should avoid at all costs by taking timely precautions and following the laid out safety rules..
All along, my life goes in full vigor with my activities at the back of these risks and
  • That life alone has a true meaning to me, 
  • Living that life alone is my very purpose being here on the Earth and 
  • Doing all such activities continuously to the best of my abilities alone is the main aim of my life..
Myself offering a Humble Daily Prayer to the Almighty for a Better Tomorrow the Zeal in me ever continuing.. Tell me now..
  • Are you really serious of such dynamic living very much feasible for you at this point of time or 
  • Simply passing the buck by neglecting the true care to be taken with all vigor and seriousness by just quoting
'What's there in life? Nothing is guaranteed here!'”

Keywords: life, despondency