Sunday, November 5, 2017


Hope you remember me..
Me the one, 'n' number of times in the past fallen
a prey to the enchanting power of yours..

Yeah.. How can you not know me? 

When the time is ripe,
you precisely overpower me in a second, 
make me look to the other side
very efficiently getting your job done to perfection! 

I thought of being fully attentive, 
never fall a prey to your gimmicks.. 
It appeared working but in the nick of time 
I was caught in your precise trap.. 

This method, that method
I tried to keep you off,
no use, you know how to in the right time 
show your colors and embrace me tight.. 

I kept reminders after reminders in my diary 
to see I would not be tricked by you but 
your mesmerizing skills are too amazing and 
I was ever overpowered there.. 

I kept endless alarms day after day 
not to be carried over by your enchanting show
 constantly thinking 
‘I Wish An Alarm Would Ring Loud And Notify Me Whenever…‘
you try to overpower me but 
they stand no where when you firm up 
to make me turn to you..

Tell me.. 

Why are you after me like this? 
Why do you make me a slave of yours and feel eternally happy? 
Can't you leave me to my freedom? 
What ultimately is your aim in continuously playing thus with my life? 

I wish how nice my life would be if 
I can just get out of your clutches but.. 
As I look at myself carefully once again, 

I understand that you are indirectly 
in my life as without you by my side, 
What charm is there other than 
the boring routine 
never leaving me a moment? 

you are sure the enchanting one of my life as
you truly make me say to others' 
once in a way else 
The pride in me
never allows me to do that for a life time! 

Indirectly thanking you, 
For being by my side
remaining supportive for a life time! 

(Please read 
's se nlu ft e gro f' 
together reverse to get the meaning of XXXXXXXXXXXXX.. 
Sorry for the trouble!) 

‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend
an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ 

life time, friend