Wednesday, November 1, 2017


A group Engineers of an Organization where job security was more ensured were constantly agitated that they were not given timely promotions over a long period and a few given in that period too were sided without giving due importance to the merit.

On a day, they together entered their Manger's cabin and straight away questioned him on their delayed promotions. The Manger with a smile tried to make them comfortable by asking them sit and explain consoling them simultaneously.

That soon lead to certain arguments and the Manager with all coolness started answering them reasoning out why the Management could not give the promotions in time ultimately bringing out his point that the Management was doing its best in the situation and trying to be helpful to the Engineers.

Some time passed thus with questions and answers with the Manager asking in between

"All these days, I did my best conveying your feelings to our Higher-ups before you came here.. Tell me.. What else can anyone do in the situation?"

And to the surprise of the Manager, an Engineer suddenly lost temper and shouted at him saying,
  • "Why don't you vacate your chair? You are unfit to be here. We ourselves can do a better management without you!" 
Having heard all of a sudden such words of verbal attack from his Sub-ordinates, the Manger instantly became red in face and was forced to keep silence to cool the rising tempers. And the young men soon walked out of his cabin!

The Engineers were truly agitated by then as the way the Manager had talked irked them beyond. They instantly decided to meet the next Higher-up. With all that emotion in their hearts, the next moment they barged into the Chief's Chamber. Seeing them coming in numbers, the Chief to their surprise straight away asked,

"Why are you all here?"
  • “Sir! We've a burning problem. We were neglected all these days due to the bad promotion policy of our Company!”
said one of the agitated member.
  • “Stop! I don’t want to listen to you all talk like this. Whatever you may say, work is ultimately the most important thing here. All of you, I say.. Don’t waste your time in front of me and my time too, have a Representative of yours and let that person explain your problem. Rest you all, now go back to your places. I don’t want any indiscipline in my Department!”
With one firm talk, the Chief kept them off instantly. And further to that he busied himself in his own work. The young men had no go but to return to their seats discussing among themselves..
  • "He is the right Manager. At one stroke he solved our issue. Actually we've no issue now because as he asked, representing on this issue to the Top Management through our Membership Association was already done and everything was stated crystal clear in the Representation. 
What else specially we have to say now? We can only follow up our Representation and our Chief surely is going to ask us to do that!”

Keyword: Management


  1. "He is the right Manager. At one stroke he solved our issue."- Did he? Is this the best approach?- Well different points of view....

    1. That's nice to hear from you Rajeev.. Yes.. It's an approach of smart management reasonably avoiding immediate problem for Higher-up as well as for self too..

      It's exactly what happened in my Organization 40 yrs ago and the Writing is almost 1:1 to the happening then!
