Tuesday, July 19, 2022


"Sir! How to overcome jealousy in our life and genuinely appreciate other's achievement?  I heard, you did it in your life so many years and really overcame it.. Can you educate me on this?"

The man asked me.. 

I beamed out proudly and said with a smile,

"Dear! I understand your problem and I tell you. You shouldn't allow this evil jealousy to takeover you fully. If not controlled in time, this jealousy of yours soon

Jeopardizes your interests
Endangers your safety 
Attacks you with greater intensity 
Lures you again at the next opportunity 
Overpowers you in the nick of the moment and 
Unleashes it's evil intentions on you making you play the eternal game of 
Sobbing with crocodile tears and 
Yielding temporarily thru' a smile

In front of others all along making you retain a volcano within!

Do you know? I sang this song deep in my heart and bi-hearted it to the core going deep into it's structure, caught it's roots and eliminated it once for all. Honestly I say.. You try, you too can do it.. Ok.. Bye.. All the best!"

As the man took leave and left, the phone rang and I took it..

'Hello.. Yeah.. It's me.. How are you? What? Is it? Can't believe.. Hearty congrats.. So nice to hear the good news.. Great.. Oh.. You are giving a party.. Yes.. You should do it.. I'd be your No 1 guest there.. Ok.. Bye.. See you soon!'  

"Yes.. He got the promotion.. How he got it earlier to me?

Is he that much better? I'm nowhere less.. What has happened? Must have done something unworthy or might have lured the top.. Worthless man..  I should meet him  now.. No.. I'll not.. Let me give a nice excuse..Totally spoiled my mood.. Hell with him.. I'll be the happiest if he gets into the worst misfortune.. I'll celebrate heartfelt!"

As those wild thoughts of cursing my friend ran in my mind automatically, the enemy presumed to be eliminated long back was heard saying something with a mischievous smile..

"Yes.. You sang my song all these days.. Now it's my turn to sing the song of yours..

'Conquered.. Conquered.. Conquered!' 
All these years you thought,
Unable to spot me anywhere
Going beyond with a firm belief that I can never  
Hold you for life
Time.. But here, caught
On time
Unexpectedly.. Isn't it? Ha.. Ha.. Ha!'"

The Post is edited and suited for this week's IndiSpire PromptCan you share unselfishly, genuine appreciation of someone's accomplishment? #firgun

Keyword: Jealousy


  1. It's true that jealousy can make anyone forget their blessings and be a beast in minutes! Nice Post Sir. I like the poem!

    1. Rightly said, Jayanthy.. It sure strikes in the right time and causes certain damage around.. Thanks for the good comment on the Post!

  2. "jealousy" is one of the negative forces that actually leads to to nowhere except the loss of time and degradation in nature and habit.
    Very nice presentation Sir.

    1. Thanks Jyotirmoy for the appreciation.. Rightly said.. Love the comment!
