Tuesday, April 24, 2018


The Little One was just a year old and the place was on the other part of the globe. The child's
  • Innocent smile, 
  • Expressive eye contacts and 
  • Instant friendly responses 
Used to hold every one’s attention in the neighborhood. To say straight.. Where the child was, there used to be an instant aura and unusual glow all round!

Once, the parents traveled to a prominent place of high tourist importance. At one such place, the family booked their accommodation in a hotel. It took some time for the previous guest to vacate and so the family along with the Little One was made to wait in the spacious lobby of the hotel for an hr..

As the room was still not ready, the family decided to go around for some time. But the mother soon got tired and decided to rest for a while in the corner of the entrance of another hotel next to them in the same premises..

As she sat at the place along with the child, her husband went out to get few eatables and milk for the child. The cramped hotel lobby of the 2nd hotel was busy with number of guests coming in and moving out..

The 2nd hotel manger seeing the mom and the child in his area instantly told the mother with all politeness,

“Ma'm, there are only a few seats here and our guests are in great numbers. But, still have your seat and take care of your boy!”
Conveying his problem in a diplomatic way. The mother felt sorry for troubling them but was helpless, had no go and so sat there for a while taking care of the child..

As said by the hotel manager, the guests were pouring in numbers. As they came in, a few sat in the limited area, a few stood there discussing their personal issues and the rest were busy at the check-in counter. Equal numbers were coming out of the hotel to go on various errands and the place was continuously busy with the hustle and bustle..

Soon the booked hotel manager rang up to the family saying sorry to keep the Little One waiting in the lobby for a longer time and instantly offered the family a day's free stay in their hotel within an year's time..

Here alone, both the hotel managers erred beyond and very much needed brushing up their knowledge in hospitality business..

In the 1st hotel lobby, the child quickly made full use of his waiting by constantly

  • Looking at the glittering lights and colors around,
  • Observing the distance hustle and bustle and
  • Trying to play with those that responded to him 
Which he could never have done in the limited hotel room facing 4 walls.. And

In the 2nd hotel lobby, the little boy with his silent expressive communications and a few unexplained sounds made in between quickly attracted many guests moving around thus indirectly helping the hospitality business as the guests for a minute

  • Forgot their travel strains, 
  • Became quite amused with the child’s innocent communications and 
  • Responded with all cheerfulness having a unique satisfaction in their hearts!
Keywords: child, hospitality, hotel, guests


  1. Great post Sir. I came across your blog today, and loved the posts of yours'. It's always nice to read the experiences and thoughts of an elder person :)

    1. Thanks Kaushik for the appreciation and a second thanks to you for joining my Site!

  2. Always I love to read your thoughts sir

    1. Thank you very much for the compliment.. Wishes to you and your family!
