That night before going to sleep, I ascertained within..
“They say that what one thinks, one becomes that..
Then why can’t I straight away be free from all theories and beliefs working in a concrete way?
That alone ultimately makes my life and not all that story telling or listening to it!”
Suddenly, an unknown voice was heard asking me,
“How was your day?”
“Great.. Really fantastic.. What's the problem?”
I replied not knowing why I was asked such a question.. The voice further asked,
“Was everything perfect since morning?”
I said,
“Yes! The day was quite interesting. I got up, did what all I planned for the day and I'm resting now!"
The voice asked,
“Can you recollect a few moments of today where something happened without your pre plan?”
I got surprised at the question and said,
“What are you saying? To my knowledge, nothing less happened!”
“Can you try to recollect minute by minute the small happenings where something you never planned?”
“It’s funny.. OK, let me remember.. OK.. OK.. A few happenings..
Imagine.. Suppose, those small happenings extended a bit more and blocked your major plans, would you be still talking like this?"
I said,
"May not be immediately but sure in some time when I recover!"
The voice said,
"Where is that 'ME' in concrete in you when that happens? Isn't it broken to a thousand pieces with no way joining them back to 'ONE'?"
I was speechless..
"Remind yourself.. As long as the Lord's Grace Bestows on your Plans alone, you are smiling else never!
Then, why not pray to that God at this moment so that the Almighty
Takes care even when certain plans fail too by giving you enough courage to face the change and re-direct your life in the new environment?"
Saying thus the voice became totally silent..
Suddenly I woke from my sleep and as I sat on my bed recollecting the early morning dream I had, from distance on the loud Speakers
Sloka 66, Chapter 18 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita
Was heard being recited melodiously with the meaning explained in parallel..
'Sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarvapapebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah.'
'Relinquishing all ideas of righteousness (the right and wrong as known to you), surrender unto me exclusively; I will deliver you from all sinful reactions (what your mind proposes), do not despair.'
I instantly folded my hands and offered my heart felt Prayer to Lord saying,
'Lord! Take care of me all along!'
Thus allowing that
Firmly establish in me for life time!
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend,

an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
That night before going to sleep, I ascertained within..
“They say that what one thinks, one becomes that..
Then why can’t I straight away be free from all theories and beliefs working in a concrete way?
That alone ultimately makes my life and not all that story telling or listening to it!”
Suddenly, an unknown voice was heard asking me,
“How was your day?”
“Great.. Really fantastic.. What's the problem?”
I replied not knowing why I was asked such a question.. The voice further asked,
“Was everything perfect since morning?”
I said,
“Yes! The day was quite interesting. I got up, did what all I planned for the day and I'm resting now!"
The voice asked,
“Can you recollect a few moments of today where something happened without your pre plan?”
I got surprised at the question and said,
“What are you saying? To my knowledge, nothing less happened!”
“Can you try to recollect minute by minute the small happenings where something you never planned?”
“It’s funny.. OK, let me remember.. OK.. OK.. A few happenings..
- I just slightly slipped while moving but it was nothing..
- I bumped into a man on the road and that was a bit funny..
- The change given by the bus conductor fell in the bus and that required certain of my attention..
- I forgot to carry my ID but that was OK as such things happen once in a way..
Imagine.. Suppose, those small happenings extended a bit more and blocked your major plans, would you be still talking like this?"
I said,
"May not be immediately but sure in some time when I recover!"
The voice said,
"Where is that 'ME' in concrete in you when that happens? Isn't it broken to a thousand pieces with no way joining them back to 'ONE'?"
I was speechless..
"Remind yourself.. As long as the Lord's Grace Bestows on your Plans alone, you are smiling else never!
Then, why not pray to that God at this moment so that the Almighty
Takes care even when certain plans fail too by giving you enough courage to face the change and re-direct your life in the new environment?"
Saying thus the voice became totally silent..
Suddenly I woke from my sleep and as I sat on my bed recollecting the early morning dream I had, from distance on the loud Speakers
Sloka 66, Chapter 18 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita
Was heard being recited melodiously with the meaning explained in parallel..
'Sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarvapapebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah.'
'Relinquishing all ideas of righteousness (the right and wrong as known to you), surrender unto me exclusively; I will deliver you from all sinful reactions (what your mind proposes), do not despair.'
I instantly folded my hands and offered my heart felt Prayer to Lord saying,
'Lord! Take care of me all along!'
Thus allowing that
Firmly establish in me for life time!
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend,

an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
But should we not have our Plan B and Plan C, if God's plan A doesn't work out?
ReplyDeleteI agree to you that it is right question here.... No doubt I should not do anything less in my planning and doings in my life trying out all the 'Possible' and thus be taking care care everywhere to the best of my knowledge and effort.... But in a corner of my heart, I should be ever laughing within myself that my plans and doings forever have 'Substance' only when the 'Almighty Wills' that way!
ReplyDeleteAgreed sir. Resolution and determination are needed but finally we submit to the will of God. There can be many a slip between the cup and the sip.
ReplyDeleteThanks Somali for the nice way of augmenting the Message here!
DeleteWonderfully written Sir ! I am a believer and i really agree with everything u have written down here..We all plan our lives..but at times the plans dont work in our favour...there is God, He knows everything and plans our life in the best way..i am 27 years old and am so glad i realised the importance of prayer and faith at a very young age... Its always good to be focussed in our lives and give our best, but we humans can never change Gods plan .
ReplyDeleteOh..So nice of you, Vinitha to say all this.. Happy to know that you believe in God so strongly.. Thanks for such a good Comment supporting the Content of the Post.. God Bless!