Tuesday, August 18, 2020


    • Life has to be just lived through; nothing more and nothing less. Let me be the same as much as possible from the impact of the vagaries of life refraining from expanding in times of prosperity and feeling chained in times of down.. 
    • I keep a portion of my inner thinking to myself and build fortresses to protect it and that attitude alone makes me feel chained many times in my life. Let me be the same as much as possible 'In' and 'Out' and thus remain free originally..
    • Between the Original Truth and what I perceive, I make a living and live my life of problems. Let me streamline my issues as much possible and thus remain free to that extent.. 
    • I alternatively hold and keep off from people but often complain that people are never with me forgetting the fact that if I live with them sharing their problems, they are ever with me. Let me straight away firm up on that simple principle of good living and remain free from double standards.. 
    • I am interwoven into a complex network in respect my family from where I can truly free myself from the pleasures and pains bondages thru' a sincere service to the members of the family. Let me never skip this basic work of mine by beating round the bush to express the so called my temporary freedom.. 
    • What I can't do other man can always do and even can do better than me a few times. Let me straight away have this reverence for others who join with me in my work and thus remain free from the superior feeling in me.. 
    • If I haven't learnt truly to forgive and share in my life, I can never be free however disciplined I may be. Let me never forget the basic fact that unless Human Touch works, nothing improves.. 
    • The king rules; the old king is ruled. A rich old man is no different from an ordinary old man in many ways. Let me recollect as much that power and money with me are only temporary, hey never rescue me ultimately and thus remain away from the chains around me in spite they appearing golden.. 
    • Whatever democratic ruling I may have and to whatever level the individuals' rights are protected therein, organized group-ism invariably suppresses the individual expression without an exception. The plane of suppression discretely shifts to a side when I conveniently look the other side. Let me be sensitive to this indirect chaining in my own area and work allowing max freedom of expression around me..
    And to say finally,
    • However stringent the rule of implementation be, exploitation forever exists beyond the boundaries and behind the doors. Let me humbly help out here thru' my own saying 'No' to the gross pleasures of life as much possible and thus experience the proportionate original freedom of living!
    The Post is written for IndiSpire Prompt Edition 338..

    The Post is for BlogChatter too to CauseAChatter..

    Keywords: FREEDOM