As a learner in driver’s seat, when he pulled the car into dense traffic with little control from his end he became totally a lost person and instantly requested the Instructor,
- "I'm tensed up.. Please tell me in advance, the changes I have to make in respect of my driving. I need a lot of help from you. Is there a better way of doing all this?"
After few classes of learning, on a day when he changed the gear without fully pressing the clutch pedal and got an instant comment from the Instructor, he apologized saying,
- "It's a bit difficult to do these 2 jobs simultaneously. Sorry for the trouble.. I promise, I'll be more careful hereafter!"
During the driving test, when he couldn't meet the important parallel parking requirement with the Instructor simultaneously making the sarcastic comment, he said softly..
- "I tried my best but it's really difficult to see outside fully sitting in the car!"
During that time on a day, in his own car to practice learning with his friend by the side when he failed to pull through a steep slope with some one honking from behind, he requested,
- "Please wait.. My friend will pull the vehicle!"
Soon as a permanent driving license holder, he was on the road himself confident of driving into every corner but unexpectedly on a day drove into a narrow lane, got held up and when shouted upon with scoldings, he gave back,
- "Why don't you wait for a minute?"
With almost a year’s constant driving one day having squarely failed in a planned overtaking attracting the attention of near by drivers who out of frustration when shouted aloud, he replied with an equal anger,
In few years later as a matured driver when suddenly a beginner on the road came right in his way and had a narrow escape with some one commenting from behind that he should take care of a beginner, apt he replied,
As further years rolled on with no look back, when on a day, as he was parking his vehicle on a narrow road and another young driver behind requested him to move his vehicle a bit in he with a big smile, guided him go past in narrow spaces saying
Soon as a seasoned driver of early 50s forever having a basic responsibility of safety on road in his mind when complimented by a passenger on a long journey for a smooth, safe and comfortable drive without a single jerk, he took the compliment with a nod saying
Inward to self,- 'All this is nothing.. Sometime or other, there'll be a man around who unexpectedly can do a costly mistake and let me be on more watch for that!'
Keywords: driving, TALK
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