Saturday, January 23, 2021


Humans were more natural in the beginning leading a normal life with limited man-made modifications.. 

In time, the attractions around slowly overpowered people and they started actively interacting with some of those items. There alone, the instant correctness required was never asserted with the control part of it coolly forgotten. Thus, humans quickly developed a great interest in using those man-made modifications as 

  • They could bring a miracle of change in their presentation,
  • That improved their ease in the outside world and
  • They had additional comfort which was part and parcel of that living..

Soon, people started adding more and more to their carts continuously making their life more complex in time. There, life had become more of comparison with the next person instead of the required.. 

As the fascination had gone up in leaps and bounds, a quick solution was sought for each and every problem instead of going to the root cause. Patience had no place and that way again quick solutions were readily available unlimited with varied glitter and glamour.. 

Soon, all such instant methods were found to be nothing but the stop gap arrangements alone with no firm solution in sight as life dragged on. Thus the Natural Expression of humans has dramatically undergone a change till date and is further changing continuously..

That expectation of 


In our day to day life with the artificial life woven around us has become the basic cause of the problems we face presently in respect of the natural degradation around us.. 

Our instant actions and knee-jerk reactions for getting over the trivial situations in the fastest way are doing all that damage presently talked of in this context..

Nature forever expects me 

  • Doing a positive effort,
  • Keeping off for a while with certain cool and
  • Taking returns in limited way over a longer period.. 

While getting out of bad situations that may crop up all of a sudden in my personal life, I should 

  • Allow the situation to simmer for a while without deterioration by addressing the problem gently and
  • Give minimum time required to recover from the tough situation..

Again, through a firm determination, I should 

  • Be bold enough to allow the threat to be by the side to some extent,
  • Keep myself always prepared to face the attack through a discipline of what is required in the situation..

In the process of that living, no doubt, the 'downs’ continue for a longer time and my discipline simultaneously should reduce the impact of such 'downs' by making use of 

  • Ancient proven methods and
  • Modern convenience providers

In equal parts..

No doubt I can't unwind all this and once again go back to the original life too as that life once upon a time had its own problems of 

  • Rawness and a certain Brutality.. 

So I should equally accept the highly evolved life in front of me as is with the distinct merits of its own..

Seen in such a context, 


Of today with the 5 'C's firmly embedded into my life
forever goes thus..

After asserting 


In every aspect of life, let me sincerely start exercising due 


Wherever feasible by optimizing my 


Involved therein at the back of certain sacrifice, of course all along never leaving the 


Aspects of that living and thus ultimately try retaining human 


Around me and be living my life in tune with Mother Nature’s Original Discipline.. 


This post is part of Blogchatter's CauseAChatter' 



  1. This is so true .Nature is an integral part of our life.

    1. Thank you Amrita for the compliment.. Rightly ascertained..'Nature is integral part of our life!'.. Wishes!
