Tuesday, March 23, 2021


  • "If one walks 100 meters North, 100 meters East, 100 meters South and 100 meters West, one will reach the same point.. That's Pure Mathematics. Whether, one reaches the same point or not.. That's Probability!"
Said the pessimist in a dull tone..
  • "Quoting something and keeping off from practical life which is ever vibrant and dynamic is just wasting precious time in front.. Forget all that, do the best feasible and live this one life to brim!"
Said the optimist with all firmness..
  • "You may proceed with such thoughts covering up reality but when something not favorable happens, the man is no where!"
Said the pessimist with the dullness continuing..
  • "I told you, you continue talking thus and waste every minute at your disposable neither doing concrete nor enjoying the moment. A life time will be wasted thus!"
Said the optimist with double firmness..

Further to that, the talk between them continued questioning each other's view. Listening to all that for a while, the wise man next to them intervened and said,
  • "Dear! I wish to say something in this context to both of you..
Can you both walk up and down this lengthy room end to end straight for about 5 minutes each making an observation of yourself of what exactly you did!"

"Okay.. Sir! We will do that!"

They continued that and sat for a while.. The wise man asked them..
  • "Did you deviate from what I asked you to do?"
  • "Okay, I'll tell you.. You both aimed walking straight in the room end to end. But what happened was only an approximation to that..
Moving this way and that way to the sides,
Turning back a bit early,
Leg slipping sometimes,
A few times almost hitting the wall in front
  • Etc.. happened to one or both of you and that's how you both completed my instruction. So what you did was an approximation not exact!"
  • "See, Dear! Pessimism with me should never be allowed and in it's place optimism sure is a great asset. Beyond, optimism too is not the end and our probing should never stop..
Here, as the probing continues..
  • One will find more than optimism next to him/her wherein helping the man in difficulty surfaces..
When that happens, forget about his/her own rising in life, by the side of such a person, even the pessimist who hitherto was struggling all along too will be bestowed with a new energy that sure helps in his/her own uplift..
  • Dear Boys! Remember.. 
A Great Personality comes into this world not for His/Her uplift alone but to take with Him/Her as many next to Him/Her who are ready to rise in life but struggling to get over the thin veil of ignorance covering them all along!

Seen in that spirit, the best way in front of you both is..
  • Let the pessimist
Try best to overcome own weakness and rise as much and
  • Let the optimist
Over come own pride and equally rise by pulling the pessimist by the side as much!"



  1. Interesting way to look at both the pessimists and optimists. Good one, sir.

    1. Thanks Madam for the appreciation and compliment.. Wishes!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Rupam for the appreciation.. Love the comment.. Wishes!
