Tuesday, April 6, 2021


It's totally a vibrant Environment where in started in 20s I would be there up to 60 and
  • Am I really attentive here or 
  • Taking all cool?
In this Environment, a true value addition forever is nothing but working with dedication..
  • Am I truly a contributor here or 
  • Just a showman?
The Environment forever is influenced by many external factors invariably creating a number of spider webs around which can truly be avoided only thru' certain extra skills with me..
  • Am I really picking up such skills thru' additional trainings or 
  • Happy with my routine?
The Environment has a number of levels called promotions which can be reached thru' extra dedicated effort alone..
  • Am I taking a little more pains to support here or 
  • Simply murmuring at the earliest when I'm chased beyond?
The path to reach few top levels in this Environment is either through the dynamic steps of experience or through the lift of additional qualification/s..
  • Am I really struggling for that or
  • Casually cooling off only to be awakened when my colleague suddenly gets that promotion?
As I continuously work in this Environment, invariably a book of observation called the Resume is written by the known personalities of the Environment..
  • Have I made sure that this book of mine becomes worthy and useful to all in the line or 
  • Something worth not mentioning?
The roof top in this Environment called 'The CEO/A Level Below' can only be reached through either a separate lift or a special arrangement where I may not be the right personality as often that is the seat of power and politics..
  • Had I made a firm note of that and thus remaining humble all along or 
  • Looking at sour grapes with a condemnation feeling within?
My personal safety and the safety of my family are ever linked to this Environment without a say..
  • Am I extra careful in protecting my job from all the angles or 
  • Just in the habit of challenging / criticizing everywhere at the press of a button?
The active part of my life from scratch to soul searching invariably goes in this Environment alone..

Do I constantly carry all the reverence and gratitude to my this Environment or 
Ready to curse the moment I'm given a chance?

And finally to say, there's a day when an‘EXIT' board would be in front of me from where I have to come out from this Environment stepping down to the floor, of course with rich back up work experience..
  • Am I equally prepared for this day too to easily switch over to that Higher End of Work in my life that God had kept in store with a feeling that
The day before retirement and the day after retirement are the same or
  • Just waiting to zero down myself all of a sudden to an ultimate helpless feeling?
I am participating in the Blogchatter A2Z Challenge 2021 starting on April 1st, 21 and this is my 5th Post in that context..

#BlogchatterA2Z - 2021


Keywords: ENVIRONMENT, #BlogchatterA2Z


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ruchi Mayank Verma for the compliment and appreciation of the Post.. Wishes!

  2. Sir, you have told an untold story of every to be retired person. amazing!

    1. Thanks Sadvika for the appreciation.. A good comment here on the Post.. Wishes!
