Saturday, September 18, 2021


The man began expanding in his life. In no time, the world cautioned,

"Contain yourself. Don't show off!"

He instantly started limiting his activities. The world remarked,

"You should be in limelight. Otherwise, what's the meaning to this life?"

He firmed up,

"Let me work with dedication and be done with these comments!"

But the world remarked soon,

"Breath easy.. Life is something else too!"

He listened and relaxed for a while. The next moment, the world cautioned..

"Work is Worship.. Never do less!"

He thought,

"Forget all these.. Let me start helping others!"

The world remarked again,

"One comes into world with not only a mouth to feed but two hands to work too!"

No go, he had to listen there and started saving everywhere. As usual, the world again remarked,

"Be giving.. The monies never come with you!"

Having got fed up with those conflicting advices, he decided,

"Let me spend my monies and have the best of my life!"

The world cautioned instantly,

"Save for a rainy day. Tomorrow, many times is a fact in life!"

Now way, he had to listen there and accordingly became cautious everywhere. But the world never kept quite and remarked in a short time,

"Relax.. Leave that pessimistic attitude, think positively and start expressing yourself!"

He ultimately left all those conflicting disciplines and straight away aimed growing in his life non stop. In no time, the world cautioned,

"Contain yourself. Don't show off!"

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