Tuesday, March 15, 2022


My theme for Blogchatter A2Z2022 is presentation of content my Blog 'Reflecting on Life' which is an insight into the realities of life with its various problems around every one in our societies over which sometimes the individual feels helpless with no control. My stories, descriptions, quotes, humorous instances etc in this presentation bring out the fallacies of life which many times I value with no base..

Every one who is going to read these my postings would find something applicable to his/her own personal life whether he/she brings out thru' discussions openly or not..

My aim here is to spread this knowledge indirectly through a method which is well acceptable for any one so that he/she would pause, look into it, try understanding the realities and myths of life and instantly laugh over his/her own tensions for the moment. The postings definitely make them feel better and happy..

All postings published are my own experiences and perceptions of life put in different styles to make it acceptable for Readers in their own way..

I am sure my Readers never feel dejected with these readings even though they are the bare Truths of Life in spite of they having carried their belief exactly opposite to this but always would feel lighter and temporarily would be inspired..

Thank you Team Blogchatter for giving me this opportunity to present my content thru' Blogchatter A2Z2022 from 1st April to 30th April!

Keywords: #BlogchatterA2Z, THEME


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Vikas for the interest shown.. Sure I try doing my best here.. Would love reading your Posts.. Wishes!
