Lawful attitude is the true safety net.
'The dead End' of unlawful living is sure
'The Welcome Gate to Hell'
However enchanting that my living be!
Sincere/hard work makes a wonderful human.
A second thought there in secs brings down
'That Great Title'
However luring that my thought be!
Discharge of family responsibilities to core brings in joys of life.
A neglect there is 100%
'A Life Time Regret'
However overpowering that my negligence be!
Money supports safety and security.
A craving for/wrong use of that sure leaves the individual with a single choice between
'The Devil and Deep Sea'
However mesmerizing that my craving/wrong use be!
Challenges are opportunities to grow and expand.
Devoid of challenges is the inevitable
'Rotten Routine'
However easy going that my routine be!
Charity makes the individual a certain sure worth. Devoid of charity, there's no other shield for
'Tougher Moments of Life'
However supportive my arguments there be!
Preservation of Nature is the Gate Way to health.
Destruction there is the waiting chance for
'Disease and Disaster'
However justifying those my actions be!
Belief in God/Oneness stabilizes human mind.
No such Belief; toughest to rescue myself from
'Fear of Unknown'
However firm my assertions there be!
I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z
#BlogchatterA2Z, LIFE!, QUALITY
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