Saturday, September 10, 2022


"I am not greedy of anything.. Happy with what I have!"

"That's great.. Contentment in life is a virtue!"

"May be, the interest to possess too much or too many is less in me!"

"Sure, you are steady there but that does not mean I do not crave for things!"

"No, from whichever corner I see, there is no great interest in me to have many.. Limited makes me happy!"

"Agreed.. But being mortal, possessing ever remains happy trait of me!"

"No.. Sometimes I feel well contented with the limited and sometimes, I feel to live a simple life, do we need so many?"

"Dear! Let me not say that statement so easily.. I may be content with limited because,

I don't want to struggle to get things and my laziness there looks to me more interesting 


I'm afraid to venture..

Just because of this attitude with me, my greed nowhere has gone. It'll be seen with me the moment things useful to me presently or in future are offered to me free. I'll not easily say no there and that's nothing but greed to possess!"

"You mean, even that is greed?"

"You may give another name to it from the extreme craze to possess which we general call greed but seen from a different perspective, both are same as ultimately the aim is to possess as much!"


"Dear! It is the Great Saint alone that could say..

"Both are equal to me!"

When He took out a handful gold in one hand and handful of sand in the other, walked down to the Sacred Ganges River and threw both into the waters!

As that was truly the worth the Great Philosopher had given to Gold so much valued in the world..


It is the Great Man alone that could say,

"Here a natural right is automatically accrued to them thru' living in those houses and the ownership right is lost for me for not living there!"

When He transferred his houses permanently in the names of the tenants..

As that was truly the worth the Great Man was ready to forego for the benefit of others!

As a mortal, I am far away from this strength and so instead of myself unnecessarily ending up in an utopia thinking that I am different from the normal man, let me feel that

Possessing is normal quality of any human being
Let me have my possession with dignity
Where in
My desire to possess becomes my right to possess
Equivalent contribution from my end..

That sweat is ever safe for me and secures my defined happiness 100% call it greed or no greed!"

Keyword: GREED

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