Wednesday, January 18, 2023


They were years early 60s and I still distinctly remember this day too..

Up to class 7 of my schooling, just looking at Mathematics was a big terror for me as I could never understand the head and tail of the subject till then. In fact, in my 6th and 7th classes of schooling, my parents had a doubt whether I would pass the examinations of Maths..

By God's Grace I crossed that stage securing minimum pass and soon was into 8th class when Composite Maths was introduced fresh which added further tension in me making me become a totally disoriented student. The algebra in front was nothing but Greek and Latin to me and I was totally a lost person when I started comparing myself with the then classmates of mine in coping up with the subject..

At that stage, we had a new Maths Teacher who happened to be truly the God Send and was the total savior of my further schooling..

Even now I don't know how it worked. Under the expert guidance of my that ever revered Maths Teacher, I started picking up the subject very fast and soon developed a certain interest in that direction. My that Teacher was truly
  • Good,
  • Soft spoken,
  • Never scolding,
  • Never Ruling,
  • Constantly understanding,
  • Gentle in guiding and above all
  • A Gandhian Follower at heart..
A Personality of 7 Nuggets of Wisdom

Who made me
  • Not only understand the subject but equally
  • Kindled the budding interest in the very subject to such a high level
Which I can't imagine till date how all that happened..

Further story followed totally in positive direction. I picked up there so fast, soon got into Engineering where
  • The toughest Maths became my favorite subject and
  • 95 to 100% was the min score I got in all 7 Maths subjects of 5 yrs which paved my way to secure
  • First Rank and Gold Medal at the University level and later in
  • PG Maths at IIT, Kanpur where the Grade was sure the very much expected 'A'..
Again to say here..

What ever the choice be in answering the Maths questions, every time,
  • I invariably used to answer all without an exception in the allocated time and then only leave the Exam Hall..
Further, I can vouch 100% that a dedicated Teacher of that time had truly laid that single foundation of kindling a deep interest in me in the core subject in the right time..

My regards to that Great Personality ever remain in my heart!

This post is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop

NUGGETS, WISDOM, #BlogchatterBlogHop


  1. One teacher can make a world of difference.

    1. Very much rightly said, Tomichan Matheikal. A good teacher of our lives had already done an unknown good to us next to our parents.. The Philosophy of life ever says in order the important persons of my life Viz., Mata, Pita and Guru who did an unknown good to me when I myself was in a state of totally not knowing what is good and what is bad to me in my life apart my survival instincts.. Thanks for the appreciation on the Post!
