Tuesday, April 18, 2023


"Sir! I've a doubt. The Master proclaimed,

'You move one step towards God, God moves 10 steps towards you!'

Here, I humbly understand that if we help some one whole heartedly in times of his/her dire need, he/she sure responds positively to that doing and in some fashion be ready to help us back. Even if the situation doesn't warrant any physical help still the individual would be ready with his/her moral support by our side and wish for our good. Am I right?"

"Yes.. Dear! You are very much right in interpreting the Great Saying thus!"

"But, it's our practical experience that there are a few around us who after taking the best from us would vanish from the scene whenever we've a problem and reappear only when it is seen that we are out of any help requirement giving a few lame excuses and thus once again hang on to us for the next benefit.. Am I right?"

"Yes.. Dear! You are right here too!"

"Then Sir, please tell me how the Great Saying truly supports this type of behaviors? Does it mean that I should just bear such few behaviors patiently all along but not leave my giving path and thus live this life? Can you kindly clarify here?"

"Dear! You've brought out a good question for which I'm sure I've the answer as the Great Saying is ever 100% right..

When I, as a giver unhesitatingly give from my end the receivers whoever be and whatever be their behaviors subsequent to my giving, I am straight away blessed with God moving the 10 steps towards me as 

That parting without an expectation of return puts me in a different mental plane where my happiness is truly not a function of what happens further to that action..

In this scenario, I may be an infinitesimally small personality but the progressively elevated souls of the world do much more beyond in spite of getting no return rising to a level of continue giving and blessing the receiver without an iota of protest even when certain damage is done to them too ultimately leading to the famous words that spontaneously came out of the Great Saint..

'The hand that hit me is serving me!'

When asked by the serving disciple who was serving Him to check whether the Great Man had come to consciousness after a brutal attack by a rowdy element!"

‘This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’


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