Saturday, April 29, 2023


The young man in his late 20s with 

Neatly shaven face, 
Well groomed hair and
Pleasant smile 

Got down from auto rickshaw, 
Paid the driver the charges, 
Elegantly walked into the Restaurant and 
Sat with his friend waiting for him..

Nice trousers and tucked in shirt.. Smart attire.. A smart guy indeed..

"When God gives the personality, it's wrong to hide it. People should learn from him on how to present themselves!"

My friend was seen admiring him softly sipping his coffee..

As I looked at him carefully, I found he was a bit handicapped in turning his neck freely..

"Must be some cramp at neck.. In his age, any problem sets right soon. He must have moved his neck swiftly left and right!"

I thought..

As coffee was served on his table, the young man took coffee with left hand.  The friend next him on his right suddenly toppled his own cup but somehow could stop it..

"He is too rude.  Not helping his friend other than drinking his coffee. What's the use of all that smartness?"

My friend said sarcastically..

"How is your hand?"

The friend was seen querying the young man.. 

The young man rolled up the right hand sleeve slowly with left exposing his handicapped right hand..

"God! He is paralyzed on right.. How wrongly I thought  that he was not helping!" 

My friend was almost in tears..

"How are you otherwise?"

The friend was heard asking him softly..

"No Problem.. See.. Aren't they a nice fit?"

Saying with a smile, he 

Slowly left his loose shoes simultaneously pulling the trousers over knees fitted with artificial attachments on both sides below knees!

Keyword: HERO


  1. This is most inspiring post. Life can present you with many challenges. Never give up. Do for what you are made until you die. I admire the spirit of this young man who never gave up.

    1. Yes.. Very much rightly said.. Life is tough at times and few times challenging beyond.. Whatever, the spirit of living never yields.. Thanks for the good comment here.. God Bless those Heroes!

  2. This indeed is a moving post Sir. While agreeing to the views expressed in the comment of Water, let me add that it teaches us to be sensitive enough to understand the situation of others before (say, instead of) judging them. Heartfelt thanks and compliments to you Sir.

    1. Thanks Jitendra for leaving such a nice comment on the Post.. Yes.. In fact, the idea of the Post is partly based on a situation I came across sometime back. As you said, let me do the best I can do to help in the situation as that's what God expects me to do in the situation. Wishes!
