Wednesday, May 31, 2023


The average man moved in East direction and the warning came up..

  • "One step more, you are out permanently.. Got the message?"

He withdrew the step..

Later, he moved in the West direction and the warning came up..

  • "Turn left, else you are out permanently.. Got the message?"

He turned left..

One day, he moved in the North direction and the warning came up..

  • "Stop not moving else you are out permanently.. Got the message?"

He stopped not moving..

After a long time, he moved in South direction and the warning came up..

  • "One step back and one step forward else you are out permanently.. Got the message?"

He moved thus..

3 generations of such life threatening days passed under dictatorship rule and finally 100% freedom was in front..

The average man moved in the East direction and the warning came up..

  • "One step more, you are in permanently.. Got the message?"

He withdrew the step..

Later, he moved in the West direction and the warning came up..

  • "Turn left else you are in permanently.. Got the message?"

He turned left..

One day, he moved in the North direction and the warning came up..

  • "Stop not moving else you are in permanently.. Got the message?"

He stopped not moving..

After a long time, he moved in South direction and the warning came up..

  • "One step back and one step forward else you are in permanently.. Got the message?"

He moved thus..

Another, 3 generations of life controlling days were in front under democratic ruling by the earlier dictator wearing a garb!



  1. So be it a dictatorship or democraticship we remain under some command always so what is the meaning of freedom for us?.......We never argued over this. Worthy one.

    1. Thanks for concurrence on the message of the Post.. Agreed, we are very much free under democracy but when finely seen it depends on how strongly I am positioned in my existence and without a say I often accept that.. Wishes!
