Tuesday, May 23, 2023


"This is your Work Space!"

The Senior showed the young Appointee his seat of working..

Time moved on..

"This is your Cubicle and from here you can oversee your Assistants working!"

The Boss said handing over his Promotion letter..

Time moved on further..

"You can occupy the east side Cabin now!"

The Boss said, when he was promoted to Manager's Post..

Time moved on non-stop..

He at Senior Level moved to Central Cabin with a Personal Assistant working for him..

Time moved on endless..

He was the then Dept Head sitting in his own Chamber with dedicated office operating next to him..

Time moved on and on..

He was the then GM sitting in his Expansive Chamber with a Conference Hall attached and a dedicated secretarial Office functioning next to him..

Thought time came to a halt but started moving again..

The next day to his retirement, he was appointed as Advisory and was given a Corner Chamber for his work related activities..

Time continued moving..

Two more Retirees soon came into his Chamber originally meant for him..

None could stop time moving..

He was 65 but got an extension of 2 yrs..

"There's crunch for space.. Hope you don't mind moving to the East side cabin entirely for yourself!"

The Management suggested..

Time in no time came to halt.. 

He was permanently at home and was heard saying to one of his friends on an evening meet..

"This Small Room serves all my purposes presently as my extended family needs rest of my home space..

You know.. This is my Cubicle and Work Space from where I can do my own dedicated.... and my

Time moves on peacefully!"

Keyword: TIME


  1. Change is the only permanent phenomenon Sir. It spares none. And one should admit this reality. Your posts always prove to be eye-openers for people like me.

    1. That's so nice to hear from you, Jitendra.. You said it right.. We are sure of change alone, nothing else.. Thanks for the appreciation.. Wishes!
