Thursday, June 22, 2023


'Why not max Mental Maturity accrue at least in middle ages when roughly 50% energies remain intact?'

With those points in mind, Humanity pleaded with God for open discussions on the topic and implement the out come..

God agreed and accordingly on a day, invited the Representatives various Ages Groups for finalization of the issue..

'Do you like to be Mentally Matured at your age?'

Soon the tempo picked up and in no time, 

Reps of 20s exploded,

"We love our 100% Straightforward and Dashing Nature 0% limping Mental Maturity. Don't want to be imposed with those age characteristics!"

Reps 30s asserted,

"Mental Maturity is low priority for us..

Our take is on an average with 10% plus/minus

50% straightforward and Dashing Nature, 30% Managing Techniques and 20% Matured Silent Actions!"

Reps of 40s confirmed,

"No doubt Mental Maturity is a big asset in our lives but we love our Existence too. Our take is 

Openness for the Right,

Rest on an average with 10% plus/minus

50% Matured Silent Actions and 50% Managing Techniques!"

Reps of 50s said,

"Yes.. Mental Maturity is a big asset in our lives and that well suits our Existence. Our take is 

Openness for the Right,

Rest on an average with 10% plus/minus

70% Matured Silent Actions and 30% Managing Techniques!" 

Reps of 60s confined,

"Mental Maturity is the biggest asset of our lives and as we look at our existence, 

Our take is on an average with 10% plus/minus

Openness for the Right,

Rest 80% Matured Silent Actions and 20% Managing Techniques!" 

Reps of 70s and above were not called for the meeting!

The Almighty Smiled and Said,

"My Creation forever is Whole filled with It's own seemingly 'Plus' and 'Minus'. See it as Whole as much, you are Blessed!"