Monday, June 19, 2023


"He insulted me..
I'll wait for the right moment and take my revenge!"

"No doubt, he insulted me..
Waiting for the right moment and taking revenge is not the way..
I'll set him right soon!"

"Of course, he insulted me..
Waiting for the right moment and taking revenge is not the way..
Nor setting him right is my job..
Let me work out a plan of dealing with him!"

"Ok, he insulted me..
Waiting for the right moment and taking revenge is not the way..
Nor setting him right is my job..
Neither I want to sit and work out a plan..
Pardoning is ever superior!"

"Agreed, he insulted me..
Waiting for the right moment and taking revenge is not the way..
Nor setting him right is my job..
Neither I want to sit and work out a plan..
Ok..Pardoning is ever superior but not when I am a man of desires..
Mid Path is the right way!"

"Alright, he insulted me..
Waiting for the right moment and taking revenge is not the way..
Nor setting him right is my job..
Neither I want to sit and work out a plan..
Ok..Pardoning is ever superior but not when I am a man of desires..
No doubt, Mid Path is the right way..
Let me equally put a question here..
Why I am with him and why not I leave and go?"

"Yes, he insulted me..
Waiting for the right moment and taking revenge is not the way..
Nor setting him right is my job..
Neither I want to sit and work out a plan..
Ok..Pardoning is ever superior but not when I am a man of desires..
No doubt, Mid Path is the right way..
Let me equally put a question here..
Why I am with him and why not I leave and go?
But not leave it there..
Is it not a fact that I want to be in relation with him?
Then why not question there and see where it leads to me!"

To a question what 'self' is, the Master clarified..

A salt doll curious to know the depth of Sea slowly went down the sea, melted and merged itself with the sea waters zeroing down itself and ultimately there was one single vast infinite Sea alone; nothing else!"

Keyword: I

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