Thursday, February 29, 2024


A man wanted many things in his life. He worked hard for all those. But he was knowing that unless Providence favors, nothing comes through and that way he was a firm believer of God. In respect of all important activities where there would be a reasonable gain, he necessarily used to pray to God before initiating the work. He thus theorized his activities and made it known to everyone around thus.. 

“Wherever I go, I have only two works. Making a Gain and visiting the Worshipping places. No other activity!”

Thus he became too materialistic in his life..

During one of those days, he visited a Saint at his place before starting a new errand. The Master blessed him and said, 

“Your wish of today will be fruitful soon!” 

And the proposed venture was a big success!

After a few days, he staked one more and before venturing, he again visited the Great man. The Master blessed him as usual and it was again a grand success. He was thrilled beyond.. 

The 3rd time, he planned a very big venture, with full attention and prayerful attitude approached the Master and the Master blessed him as usual. In no time, The approach became a total failure! 

The man was too restless and straight away headed to the Master to know how that went wrong. The Saint looked at him, smiled and said, 

“You got what you wished for!” 

The man was at his wits end..

The Master continued, 

“Dear! When you wished for fulfillment of worldly interests, all of them together with gain and loss are the entities involved. So how does it matter which one you got? Still you got the worldly activity fulfilled for you!”

At this point of time, The man instantly understood that

When he wished for a gain in the world, the loss was by the side, 

When success was aimed at, failure was with it as inseparable associate and 

When possession was sought, non-possession was part of it! 

He thought, 

“The wisdom of living lies in 

Planning broadly for betterment, 

Praying God for guiding in that direction and

Taking whatever results come as offerings from God..

Nothing more than this is ‘my own’ here and the activities thus have to continue as much in my life!"


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