Sunday, May 19, 2024


At work, there are 'Three Changes' that constantly do take place 'In and Around' an individual..

No 1 : The individual is constantly getting trained in his/her job and becoming more skillful without an exception as involving oneself in is an invariable learning..

No 2 : He/she is constantly working in an environment where the demand for and supply of' his/her skills are constantly changing..

No 3 : He/she is continuously aging and the related health issues both at the physical and mental level do influence his/her work capacities with more mental maturity at the back..

It is wisdom that one makes a note of the above and take appropriate actions in the right time on his/her behalf to meet these challenges of work life.. 

These specifically include..

No 1 : Taking up higher and related responsibilities through promotions and job changes in the same field..

No 2 : Expanding into the related fields of immediate greater demand through additional Qualifications and extra Trainings..

No 3 : Taking care of health and practicing safety coupled with rule bound attitude thus protecting one's own earning capacities..

This 'Additional Discipline' coupled with 'Diligent Working' is the true 'Safe Guard' of one's work life!

Keyword: WORK

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