Saturday, May 25, 2024


How maturity speaks on the same issue as age goes up..

In 20's..

"You are 100% wrong.. I say 100%.. Not a bit less.. I vouch!" 

In 30's..

"You are wrong.. Am sure.. No doubt!"

In mid 30's..

"I feel you are wrong.. Yes!" 

In mid 40's

"May be you are wrong. Why not check?"

In early 50's..

"Are you right? Means.. I'm wrong?"

In mid 50's..

"May be I am wrong.. But you too check!"

In late 50's..

"I understand.. Better we both check on right and wrong!"

In mid 60s..

"Actually right and wrong do not matter here. The only thing is...."

Above 70's..

 "Yeah! You are right.. I agree.. But one issue is not clear.. Suppose....!" 

Keyword: maturity

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