Friday, May 24, 2024



What's the disciplined life the ordinary human has to lead to truly progress in Spiritual Path?”


I am a certain personality at this moment which is my ignorance in life and that is a fact next to me.. 

When the ignorance is a fact, in the first instance living according to that fact is the right way.. 


The ignorance in my life makes me accumulate further ignorance through my own self interested actions done continuously.. 

That way the pain in life continues and the purpose in life is to evolve above this.. 

For this, 

I should simultaneously make efforts known to me to be away from some of these self interested actions.. 

The wisdom in life is to strike reasonable balance between these two distinct actions and start living..  

It is like a mother’s action wherein she does not feed the child unless the child cries but never delays that beyond a limit.. 
  •  ‘Feed when the child cries but do not feed out of fear that the child may cry!’
Is her motto as she knows that a small cry is good for the child before feeding.. 

In a similar way, 

One has to first train the body and mind by following this mid path with least conflict and surely, there is certain level of clarity in one’s life when that conflict is reduced.. 

Out of the calmness restored through that discipline alone, an individual can do fruitful investigations in life as per his/her wish..  

This way alone one establishes in Spiritual Path and all other rigid disciplines full of beliefs and austerities take him/her nowhere!”


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