Monday, June 10, 2024


The young man had to spend few sleepless nights to prepare for the final exams of his graduation and soon all the exams were over..

"Done.. From now, I can sleep well!"

He beamed..

But that wish was short lived as soon he came across few critical mistakes he did in the exams, there was a doubt whether he would pass 2 subjects and

Those worries soon lead him to experience sleepless nights..

The results were announced, to his surprise, he passed all the exams and instantly was relieved of all his tensions..

"Done.. From now, I can sleep well!"

He beamed..

That happiness again was short lived as he could not get a job for some time with critical comments from known circles about his capability and

Those worries soon lead him to experience sleepless nights again..

On a day surprisingly he  got a job in a private firm and that made him cool beyond.. 

"Done.. From now, I can sleep well!"

He beamed..

Years passed.. 

The firm was surviving in a tough competitive field and in order to retain orders and survive in the harsh competitive environment, his Bosses used to drive him mad at his work which made him work late night daily..

Those situations soon lead him to experience shortage of sleep daily..

Years passed..

Soon he started applying for better jobs and by his luck, got selected by a company which had certain monopoly in business devoid of competition..

"Done.. From now, I can sleep well!"

He beamed..

Years passed..

Being in a company job, there were again goals and deadlines, the man in no time was pushed to a corner to perform indirectly as otherwise the company Bosses would become unhappy. Further being a company, it should earn min profit to continue to exist..

The daily tensions of keeping Bosses pleased in no time pushed him to the 'worry corner' and

Those worries soon lead him to experience sleepless nights once again..

That again could not go on thus for long, he started applying for '9 to 5' jobs and by his luck, got a job with a Trust..

The job was smooth with no spill over for the next day and with no pressure beyond except following the simple highly feasible orders at work, 100% '9 to 5' work culture and a freedom to talk on the 'wrong!'

"Done.. From now, I can sleep well!"

He beamed..

But strangely, he continued to experience sleepless nights as 

He had no problems at work with so much coolness!

Keyword: SLEEP

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